give a bad review but then why do you watch the sequel(s)

4 months ago

i hate it whenever i try to talk n i'm fucking w the camcorder so you can't hear any mfing thing i'm saying
i must have a near death wish
i understand bdpd very well
God is in the darkest part of the well
nobody can take yer spirit away
that's despair that i'm referring to
redemption is always a possibility
why do i keep on livin Lord
it doesn't show until it glows
only the select few know what to do
whenever the battery is in the red we know that we did our best
i know that my loss of steam definitely shows
this is an island cos i wish it so
this narcissism or whatever is a huge part of me
i like that chord whatever it was haha
redundant doesn't mean repugnant but...
when i come to this precipice i realize why i have all this information
it just took me awhile to sort it out
this mini movie starring nothin but me
ag is a lot like the saw series, why must you torture yourself
there is definitely sumin wrong w/ people that hate watch anything

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