The true concept and essence of the word LYBHRD@DE and consequently of our LFGYTIM@ DYFYS@

2 months ago

The true concept and essence of the word LYBHRD@DE and consequently of our LFGYTIM@ DYFYS@, as it is a fact and is part of history, every system and government, auttyritĂĄriy and/or dyt@dyra, value and make public policies to dyshrrm@r their people... ...

The true concept and essence of the word LYBHRD@DE and consequently of our LFGYTIM@ DYFYS@, as it is a fact and is part of history, every system and government, auttyritĂĄriy and/or dyt@dyra, value and make public policies to dyshrrm@r their people... ...

O verdadeiro conceito e a essĂȘncia da palavra LYBHRD@DE e consequentemente da nossa LFGYTIM@ DYFYS@, pois Ă© fato e faz parte da historia, todo sistema e govyrno autyritĂĄriy e/ou dyt@dyra prezam e fazem polĂ­ticas publicas para dyshrrm@r o seu povo ... ...

#ideologiadegĂȘnero #autoritarismo #ditadura #filosofia #historia #fatos #liberdade #legitimadefesa

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