🗳️ Powerful Words from Frederick Douglass 🗳️

4 months ago

🗳️ Powerful Words from Frederick Douglass 🗳️
Guest speaker Lt. Col. Allen B. West shared a thought-provoking quote by Frederick Douglass. He spoke about the “three boxes of civil rights”: the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. 📦

Coming from a man who experienced slavery firsthand, Douglass highlighted the importance of standing up for our rights, especially when systems become corrupted. His words challenge us to reflect on the power we hold today and how we can use it to create positive change.

👀 Watch the full message online at sojournchurch.org/church-online or search for “Sojourn Church Carrollton Texas” on YouTube!

#FrederickDouglass #LtColAllenWest #CivilRights #StandUp #SojournChurch #MakeAChange

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