New Moon in Scorpio + Massive Surge of Fire! CIRF #429: 10/31 - 11/6 2024

1 month ago

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PLANT OF THE WEEK (text form):
(Fraxinus excelsior or F. americana)
Ogham Alphabet Nion (Neen)/Nuin

The Ash Tree, to Ancient Ireland, represented the five sacred directions. To the Ancient Norse, the
Ash Tree represents Odin, is called Yggdrasill or the World Tree, and is also sacred. The Ash Tree is
said to be the home of the Ancient Greek tree nymphs, Meliae, primordial Earth beings, who
reared the baby Zeus. Regardless of the source, all agree, that the Ash is a sacred, highly
protective, magical and healing tree.
The archetypes of the last week of October and early November, are always falling leaves
blowing in the wind, Halloween (when the veil is thinnest) and All Saint’s Day, where we honor
and protect the dead. As always, the Sun is in Scorpio, but this year, these days also include the
New Moon and planetary aspects that are designed to righteously empower and motivate
humanity. Additionally, the Ash Tree corresponds to the Deities of Uranus, Neptune and Mars.
This week, the Ash Tree brings humanity back to Center, to the Limitless Absolute potential, of
Mars in anoretic Cancer. From this place in time, we are able to alchemize what Scorpio reveals,
with the internal balance required to exact justice, without compromising individual values.
With your Self as the Center-Point, identify the four directions from your physical location and
observe these areas, making notes. Notice what you love about what you see and any memories
that surface. Do this for each direction, including the elements in your picture. As revealed, also
include anything that must be released or sacrificed at this time, for each direction, as well. Next,
identify any New Moon intentions, interweaving them into the directions and elements, as
desired. Use your natal chart for deeper correspondences to planets and elements. For me, I love
looking South, where the river flows by. In the South, I am able to use the Water element, because
I have a river there, AND, the Fire element, because it is South, thus, limitless potential for
perfect balance, from Center, with intention.
If you are lucky enough to have an Ash Tree, gather some Ash leaves, or, ANY OTHER FALLEN/
BLOWING LEAVES, and add 1/2 to a smudge bowl or fireproof container. Add herbs, oils or other
smudging materials, as you wish, and stand in the Center Point of your four directions. Start by
facing East and light the leaves on fire. Release or clear through the smoke, anything you may
have identified in the East. Do this for all four directions, counter-clockwise, then bury or dispose
of the remainder, once it is not smoldering anymore. Next, add the rest of the leaves you
gathered and any oils or herbs to the fireproof container and again, find Center and starting in
the East, set your New Moon intentions, through fire and air-carrying smoke. Use the beauty of
your self awareness, one with nature in this space, including all your truth, and speak it out loud.
Turn again, through all four directions, counter-clockwise. When cooled, bury or dispose of the
burned remainder.
Shed your leaves and let them blow away, safe in the assurances of the inner mid-wife, that the
impending birth of new leaves, comes directly, and all is well. WWG1WGA
Crafted for humanity, with love, by: Shawn Elizabeth Nelson

What is the main collective influence in the coming days and what is the solution?

CIRF report with Chris McCleary. CIRF=Collective Influence Report and Forecast. Advanced Next Generation Astrology report and horoscope using modern and ancient technologies. We investigate the latest memes from the latest collective dreams and thus realize what our civilization is creating or heading towards through an analysis of the Collective Unconscious. We compare that to Tropical Astrology and I-Ching hexagram readings to determine which influences are the most dominant in the coming days. We then "get in alignment with the stars" by looking at Sidereal Astrology, which helps us know how to think and behave through these transits. Learn the main collective influences and how to CIRF them like a pro!

Here's the beginner's guide to CIRF Reports:

Latest DreamBot is here:

We are using the following paid astrology charting software by “Cosmic Patterns Software”:
We are using the following resources for help in interpreting I’Ching readings:

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