America’s Chief Export Is HOMOSEXUALITY: Ted Cruz Calls Uganda Anti PEDOPHILE Law 'ABOMINATION'

4 months ago

🔻🔻 Concerned for Truth Rogerkuo53🔻🔻
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America’s number one export to the entire world is homosexuality.
"Ma’am I Am" creator Dr. Mark Huffman joins Stew to talk about Senator Ted Cruz’s meltdown over the nation of Uganda’s new law against homosexuality.
Ted Cruz is either mistaken or lying about what the new Ugandan law actually does.
The new law gives the death penalty to pedophiles who rape children.
Ted Cruz’s exegesis of scripture is even worse than his interpretation of the new law in Uganda.
Ted Cruz called the Ugandan law an “abomination” which is ironic and satanic because God says in the Bible that homosexuality is an “abomination”.
This is a gross twisting of scripture.
Alfred Kinsey, Harry Benjamin, John Money, Michelle Foucault and some of the founders of ‘queer theory’.
The normalization of sexual deviancy and perversion has been a long 70 year march made possible because of evil sexologist scientists.
The end game of this ideology is the open societal acceptance of pedophilia.
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