Rock Growers & Horror B Movie Showers

4 months ago

On this episode of SHEEEIT RADIO, Brasky, Liarz and Wasted revisit Rock albums that have Grown on them over the years, Relive the Terror of #Horror B Movies from their #80s pasts and look into their crystal balls to make some #NHL Predictions for the coming season. Take a trip down memory lane with albums from #Tom Petty, #Alice in Chains, #Third Eye Blind, #Pink Floyd, #Van Halen, #Thin Lizzy, #Faith No More, #Megadeth and #TheBlackCrowes and Horror B Movies like #TheStuff, #Tremors, #Evil Dead, #Army of Darkness, #FridayThe13th, #TheThing, #Return of the Living Dead, #Re-Animator, #TheFly
#RockAlbumReviews #HorrorBMovieClassics #80sNostalgia #MusicDiscussions #HorrorMovieTalk #RetroEntertainment


0:00 Intro
1:09 The guys talk about albums that have grown on them over the years
44:57 Wasted is feuding with his neighbor. They try to find Wasted a better spot to record from. Wasted battles a typhoon in Taiwan.
1:03:02 Brasky and Liarz discuss the NHL season and give their predictions. Wasted picks the Stanley Cup winner.
1:26:20 The guys talk about the best B Horror Movies.
1:51:58 More Dave Grohl talk
1:59:08 Celebrity Deaths
2:12:05 Wasted is an international man of intrigue. He tells arguably the funniest story of his life since the show began.
2:21:32 Outro

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