10.29.2024 - Groovy Jimmy Lives - Tuesday evening chillin

23 days ago

Jimmy describes an incident that took place around 4 am last night. He saw a car parked across the street, leapt out of bed, grabbed his gun, and ran outside shirtless and shoeless. He pointed the gun at the driver, who explained he was just dropping off diapers for his baby mama. Psychocandy jokes that he's gonna come back to Jimmy's house which prompts jimmy to say he'll shoot him. He says that if he shoots Psychocandy, he'll wash his hands with piss to get the gun residue off of it.

RG and Jimmy go toe to toe, DSE and Librado stunt on Jimmy with more weed than he's ever seen. Librado runs the 1/2 mile in half the time JImmy did, Jimmy orders 12 soft tacos and 12 hard tacos and ends the stream to watch cartoons.

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