Feeling Insignificant?

4 months ago

Have you been struggling with your health? Wondering if it will ever get better? It’s time for transformation.

Let’s set up a 15 minute virtual tea. I would like to get to know you, what you are struggling with, & how I can help you.

Monday Morning Connection – Insignificant
In a book I read this summer “Be Not Afraid” by Allen Jackson he asks
Sometimes do you feel insignificant?
Like your talent are not that special?
Sometimes we don’t give God and ourselves enough credit that he has given us great and unique talents.

I have a client that paints beautiful pictures
That is not my talent.
Her pictures bless me with their beauty when I see them on facebook and I smile.
So don’t sell yourself short.
God gave you a talent.

My talent is knowing why the body is stuck in Chronic Symptoms.
I have learned with God’s help to know how to help people’s bodies get rid of these symptoms.
So, you can get your health back on tract.
My talent is meant to be shared, let’s connect.

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