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Discussion with Dr. Christiane Northrup

3 months ago

Discussion with Dr. Christiane Northrup


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  • He has appeared and been publicly manifested to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. 27 And just as it is appointed and destined for all men to die once and after this [comes certain] judgment, 28 so Christ, having been offered once and once for all to bear [as a burden] [a]the sins of many, ••• The God-Man This God-Man bore the sins of every man and woman who came to him looking for relief. He took our sins and griefs upon Himself. By virtue of Who He is and by His Sacrifice of Himself we may be forgiven and relieved of our transgressions against the Perfect Law of Love. What Is the Law of Love? Love Go[o]d with your whole heart mind soul and strength. And to Love your neighbor as ourselves. . . All of the Law and of the Prophets teeter, counterbalance, hinge, pivot at the point of these two activities. Love of God —^— Love of Neighbor | Just as is your LOVE of God is the hinge, is the pivot, at the point of your FAITH In God. One is equal to the other. As in: So Above So Below Much Love – Much Faith Great Love–Great Faith—Great Works Matthew 22:37-40 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2022%3A37-40&version=AMP ••• Join Brozme

  • That's the one thing They gave humanity, religions, to bind us, divid us and kill each other over words, They wrote the bible and all other religions, why do we keep this ritual going, its killed billions of souls through out the ages, we are one with each other and the universe, frequencies are the keys to kill us or bring us together..they can now use our oura to control us through frequencies..technology