Special Message from the Earth Alliance and Galactics to our Starseeds and Lightowrkers of Nova Gaia

3 months ago

Join Paul White Gold Eagle in this Sacred Portal on Gaia as he transmits a special message to all our Starseed Earth Angelics Lightworkers and Wayshowers from the Earth Alliance and Galactics for the coming days ahead in this Great Shift of the Ages to the New Golden Age of 5D Satya Yuga.

As the veils thin through this Galactic Activation Portal “marathon” 10 days in a row on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar and the coming all Hallows Eve (Halloween) Gateway and All Saints day with the NEw Moon and Sun in the Water sign of Scorpio Friday November 1st we have massive waves of Higher Energetics flowing into this realm from the most high Infinite Source Creator directly from our Great Central Sun and into the Crystalline Hearts of our Ground Crew Team of the 144 and Crystal Core of Gaia to catalyze and accelerate the Greatest Shift of all Ages into the New Heaven upon the New Earth.

Namaste Angels of the New Eden. Goddess Speed…A’ho!

Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Much Love and Blessings in the Light. The Eagle and the Condor...A'ho! 🕊🕉🦅

If you would like to help support our work and mission and help us to continue creating our daily New Earth transmissions, the best way is with a monthly pledge on our Patreon page at http://whitegoldeagle.com

We have lost many of our financial supporters over the past few months so every pledge or donation will assist us to continue our daily work and transmissions and keep releasing them free to the our Tribes and the World. Also our videos and work are being suppressed on youtube and all social media by dark forces to prevent our messages and teachings getting to our Good People of the New Earth.

or if you could support us with a donation the links are at http://eaglelovecondor.com

If you can't afford a monthly pledge or donation it would also be very helpful to us if you could share every video on social media sites and other websites on the internet. We truly appreciate you and are grateful for all of you that have supported us over the years and those that continue to support us, Our Angels of the New Earth! We could not be doing this work without you.

We send Much Love and Blessings in the Light. The Eagle and the Condor...A'ho! 🕊🕉🦅

if you would like to donate with check or cash please send to:
Paul Butler
Po Box 123
Brush Prairie, Wa. 98606

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