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Maybe women are the problem

4 months ago


  • 0/2000
  • Stupid, stubborn, gullible people are the problem. Being a woman has something to do with it but don’t forget the weak men aka the simps.

  • Perfect

    1 like
  • Gawt Daam!! There's a sight I certainly don't see everyday!!!! Logical thinking... please, MALA - emotion, certainly need it; when most of those you run across wear that on thier sleeve, makes it that much harder to get shyte done. And done right! Well Said Ms. Lee Ann - UR a Star!

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  • Men enabled this bullshit so this fucktardery as a whole needs a huge packet of dye you cannot wash off and see it in the dark. Women have become like this not due to simple nature but through indoctrination and pedestalized through our media. Women were GIVEN the right to vote out of sheer economics. Women had to pay taxes and also consume more. Bright idea, no?