Reject: A Super Superhero Story (part 42)

1 month ago

*Another day of visiting Harrison Selleck finds Control, in his Keaton Kilmer disguise, running right into Fissure. The last Control knew, Fissure was supposed to be in the bowels of the Shelf, tucked away inside eternal solitary confinement, but he is out walking as if he is in control of this facility. Guards give him difference, and fellow prisoners shuffle away and try not to make eye contact, as it becomes clear that the Shelf is not some hell for Fissure to waste away in it has become his kingdom. It is then that Fissure approaches and reminds Control that he did warn him of this. He tells Control, for he has always known Keaton's real identity, that it was always folly to ever try and control the wild, the anarchy, the chaos, whenever he let some crime happen in a contained way....Control approved and without much collateral damage...while fighting to end crime forever in other places. Fissure laughs with glee and gloats that anarchy always wins, letting fools control it for a time until those fools either get tired, or think themselves the victor and put their attention elsewhere, and that is when anarchy...the most pure form of the human condition....roars back and takes control for good. Fissure reminds Control that he always wanted to be in the Shelf because while tucked away Control would think himself the victor, would maybe put his attention on the world wide issues that the Just always have to deal with...and soon his beloved California would slip into anarchy and chaos like it was always destined to do. Control has controlled nothing, crime in the cities he once patrolled nightly has only gotten worse, and Fissure has thrived as he has watched the victory of his beloved anarchy reign supreme [AI Art]*

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