4 months ago

💥STEVE BANNON RETURNS TO WAR ROOM - COMES OUT FIGHTING! - SLAMS PELOSI ❗ Steve Bannon returned to The War Room on Real America’s Voice on Tuesday. And he was ready to go!

“They sent me to a political prison. Nancy Pelosi take out your number 2 pencil and write this down. “We have never been more powerful!”

Steve Bannon: “It’s Tuesday, the 29th of October in the Year of Our Lord 2024. We’re, what, six and a wake up away from one of the most important political days in the history of this country. But I want to make sure everybody understands something. You see from our great staff here, and I’ll talk a little bit about the production team and our co-host and, of course, the War Room Posse, all the great efforts you made so that was Next Man Up.

It’s now my turn, right? It’s my turn to be Next Man Up, as you guys have done such a magnificent job over the last four months.

Understand something, and this has to be very clear. The Democrats and those radicals you just saw on MSNBC and CNN and Joe Scarborough, and that entire crowd, they had Robert Eric Kagan’s wife who brought this entire debacle in Ukraine on us, they have no intention of giving up power. We have a three-phase, and this is why it’s so important for this audience, you’re the backbone of this movement.

We have two things we’re going to talk about today, the get out to vote effort, focused on our first phase, which is November fifth.

…I have never heard, and I think most people would agree, the rhetoric that’s come out about American citizens calling this audience, not just Donald Trump, and not the people around Donald Trump. That’s bad enough. Calling us fascists, but calling you fascists. Saying that that fantastic, that amazing rally in Madison Square Garden that could never be pulled off by Kamala Harris or the Democrats. With that energy and people from Tulsi Gabbard to Elon Musk, just the broad cross-section you had of American entrepreneurs, Vivek Ramiswami, you had these powerhouses up there. They’re trying to smirch that with one influencer’s throw away, not funny line.

I can tell you in coming from and being a political prisoner in a federal prison, that the young men in this country that are African-American and Hispanic detest Kamala Harris. They detest her. We’re going to go into details today and at the press conference of why that’s up…

Look, Elon Musk is one of the smartest guys in the world, if not the smartest practical engineer in the world. Charlie Kirk is incredibly smart. Look where they’ve put their efforts over the last couple of months. Look where Elon Musk wrote $150 million worth of checks the last couple of months. It is flat out, get out the vote. And that’s this audience comes in. Your efforts have been magnificent. The co-hosts that have done this for four hours a day and a couple of hours on Saturday, and then plus other streaming we’ve done with Grace and Mo, the incredible thing of these people stepping up is everything to motivate you to make sure that you get out and vote…

Nancy Pelosi sent me to a federal prison. She sent me to a federal prison as a political prisoner to do two things, to make sure that she tried to tamp down the power of this show, right? Tamp down the power of the show and also to break me. Nancy Pelosi, take out your number 2 principle and write this down. This show has never been more powerful. The The audiences behind it have never been more powerful. The audience has never been more powerful. And we’re going to deliver a knockout blow to your progressive insanity on fifth of November, and then we’re going to secure the deal after that.

Number two, the four Four months in federal prison not only didn’t break me, it empowered me. I am more energized and more focused than I’ve ever been in my entire life. I can see clearly, just like in 2016 and in 2020, exactly what’s going on here and what we have to do to defeat it. I want to go back through the three phases.
Number one is 5 November. All that matters right now in places like Pennsylvania, and in Michigan, and in Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, obviously other states, but these seven battleground states, is to deliver something that takes us to where Ohio and Florida are today…

…They understand she can’t… Kamala Harris, it’s impossible for her to generate any enthusiasm. Number one, what What he had to do was to focus on one thing and drive the narrative. Her politics of joy was too ill defined. She didn’t do it. So what did they do last week? They pivoted to Night Falls on America. This is a fascist movement that the people that support it are equivalent to the American German Bund in the 1930s. That is a bald-face lie, and it’s a dangerous lie. So number one, on November fifth, we have to crush them at the ballot box. There’s only one way to do that. The commercials aren’t going to do it. The only thing that’s going to do it is you’re putting your shoulder to the wheel. The hard work of walking precincts, the hard work of working phone banks, the hard work of texting nonstop. We have to put in superhuman efforts to support the Elon Musk of the world, to support the Charlie Kirk of the world, to support the other organizations that are out there doing this.


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