Abby Phillip: I Want to Apologize to Mehdi Hasan for What Was Said at this Table

4 months ago

Get started, I want to just address what happened in the last segment first, I want to apologize to Mehdi hassan for what was said at this table.
>> Unacceptable when we get this discussion started, you‘ll see that Ryan is not at the table. There is a line that was crossed. There and it‘s not acceptable to me. It‘s not acceptable to us at this network. We want discussion, we want people who disagree with each other to talk to each other. But when you cross the line of a complete lack of civility that is not going to happen here on this show. It‘s a heated time. We‘re in the middle of a political season. We are eight days from a presidential election, but we can have conversations about what is happening in this country without resorting to the lowest of the lowest kind of discourse. Want to address that. And I want to apologize to the viewers at home because we want to be able to hear each other. We want to be able to talk to each other. And we plan to do that in this next segment so now let‘s begin. It is sometimes hard to translate the words of Donald Trump into

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