She Confesses To Being A Hybrid Reptilian - Jujuolui Kuita of the Alien Starseed

4 months ago

Not only are Reptilian numbers increasing, they are speaking out in public. Outspoken hybrid Jujuolui Kuita seeks to awaken the Starseed whose memories have been dimmed by reincarnation here on Earth.

44 years ago a daughter was born to religious christian parents. Growing up in Concord, California, she felt isolated and different, knowing the Earth was not her home. When Miss Kuita reached the age of five she was first visited by an agent of her "real people", a Reptilian from the planet Faqui. From out of a white light and a mist generated in the hallway of her home, stepped the Reptilian who invaded her room. Her young sanity was then saved only by unconsciousness. This happened every other night, for a periold of six months.
Her young mind saw this visitor as Nosferatu, a pale figure in a charcoal cape. During his visits half of her DNA was altered, and her identity as a hybrid established.

She was allowed to remain awake once, when she was given ocular implants. Each of hers eyes was dislodged from its socket, one at a time, and the implant attached to the optical nerve.

Jujuolui had no understanding of these living nightmares until she reached the age of 30, when through her implants she spoke with her people for the first time. She realized these Reptilians from the planet Faqui, are even farther along the evolutionary path than humanity. More compassionate, and more loving.

Her occular implants were a gift, giving her 20/20 vision and providing her people with a way to see through her eyes. The new DNA gave her the power to shapeshift, to morph the cells of her body to Reptilian form, which has been seen by those close to her, such as her ex-lover and others.

She also discovered that she shared a consciousness with another Zsho-Zsho-lee from the planet Faqui, a full-blooded alien. Only a splinter of her soul resides on Earth.

On the moon of her home planet, she works as one of the supervisors of an interplanetary commerce depot, where tons of goods are stored in alien warehouses. Visitors from many extraterrestrial races are received there, not just for the purpose of trade. It is a popular destination for tourists, and if they are on vacation they leave their ship, and take a space shuttle down to the surface of the planet. Faqui is a kind of tropical paradise. The world has no oceans, but does have enormous freshwater oases.

Miss Kuita has a benevolent mission here on Earth. She is part of an alien migration made up of many races. They are coming because they were invited. Decades ago the Gaia force of mother Earth itself, broadcast to the universe, a call for help. The Earth needs the assistance of extraterrestrials, in order to ascend to a higher plane of evolution. ET's can provide this aid by their very presence alone, because their vibrations will naturally merge with those of Earth.

Their preferred method of travel is to be reincarnated here. Collectively they are known as the Starseed, and when reborn here they lack the ability to choose a body. As a result they can take several forms, such as a human body, or a hybrid body, or a temporary case of possession, or even as an animal, some of those being our domesticated pets.

Now a resident of Arizona, Miss Kuita is one of but a handful of beings representing her race on this world, another of whom is her dog Katrina, a reincarnate soul who came here to help Jujuolui of Kuita in her awakening. The number of those here on Earth of extraterrestrial origin is in the thousands.


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