4 months ago



Hi was Ex Gas Engineer but due to Vaccine making me die, causing car crash into tree from getting forced it getting hair transplant to make my save the world song better it caused me to encounter GOD then I had to revive myself from the dead. I do believe GOD saved me from going to Hell as when I saw him I felt like I was in Hell and he sent me back to survive and make this world right.

Im not GOD as I saw GOD with my own eyes Im GODs messenger the LORD JESUS CHRIST RETURN I even done a lie detector video and willing to do it on live socials GOD IS REAL AND SO IS THE LORD AS I AM 100% HIM.


I'm willing to do lie detector on live socials on anyones channel as most definitely had encounter with GOD he said im LORD JESUS CHRIST RETURN when I saw GOD with my own eyes.

I'm using QR CODES to get funding for films and more if you cant donate
I have a PAYPAL.ME here...


It's up to you how much to donate but id say around
£8/£20+ each one you might have to cut a little square out a little bit of paper to donate, I will let you know when I start each one and next episodes also but just have no funding as very poor family in SLAVE UK mum with brain injury that smokes 50g pouch of tobacco everyday and GOV only give her £400 a month.

I'm in serious pain all the time so it means a lot if you help donate and may GOD bless you from his son as im most definitely YESHUA GODS SON he actually gives me messages through life.

Cartoon character is MAIM SWITCH I changed my natural rapper name to YESHUA Since I met GOD.

Hopefully one day I will heal but I started having serious heart attacks, Blood came out the pores of my skin and I went to stone when I took vaccine there was only one way to survive the vaccine which wasn't pleasant, risked my life but I had no choice but to try and kill the thing forming inside my body.

GOD was also speaking to me I had to make sure I survived as everyones freedom was in stake then GOD showed himself to me.

Came back from hair transplant trying to build to get my music video perfect
to save humanity it was my goal from GOD.
also thought I was being set up and still think I am as I know I haven't done anything wrong it was everyone around me and when I get donations I will be getting decent solicitors to go agaisnt everyone around me. Thanks if you help I'll be using the PAYPAL one for court.

Also if the lady on the morning show UK can grow 9 female plants I have PTSD condition, should be aloud to grow my own as doesn't make sense you cant enslave us with our medication as been impossible to fund whilst my mum, evil relatives steal dogs sell puppies behind my back and Vaccine CROSS take my life away.

GOD said my song is his message to the world im actually telling the truth, also when they took my blood at hair transplant they said my BLOOD didn't look right one bit.

GOD saw what happened to me,
what my plan was, that I risked my life to get hair transplant knowing I could of died from vaccine CROSS he said to me telepathically that im the LORD for sacrificing my life to everyone on this planet and gave me date of
"AUGUST CHINA 2025" said no and also "STOP SINNING WORLD"

Also I tried escaping the pain at a party at Valley View couldn't afford my cannabis meds which was helping vaccine body hardening, heart attack issues then escaping pain which ruptured my right lung and lost all my memory.

was a nightmare tbh...

Hospital said it was only hayfever right before broffle lady now my memory has come back im due a vaccine claim,NHS negligence claim, broffle lady claim and also my two half sisters if they dont change my dog KC paperwork over which I bought from car accident claim money because it drove me into a mental state claim. All of it.

I got diagnosed with PTSD as from heart attacks came off GYM & Gas work also got evil half relatives funnelling money out my life with dogs I bought to breed 8k debt, whilst im the only 1 of 4 siblings looking after disabled mum with brain injury then got put onto cannabis as it helped my blood flow from vaccine stopped me stressing about everything going on as watch all worldwide news 24/7, actually stopped heart attack issues from vaccine by the way!

but when my lung ruptured then lost memory so I shouldn't of been smoking my meds whilst ruptured lung
I thought I still needed cannabis for my vaccine death so was living Hell whilst looking after disabled mum and when I couldn't afford my cannabis for 3 weeks its been a long story so dno which was which but defo saw GOD and he gives me message through life swear down.

But I wasn't on anything when GOD was speaking to me I was suffering from the ruptured lung and everyone around me doing wrong not helping one bit.

I used to smoke cannabis my whole life but I quit when I started my Gas Engineer Company as was getting serious with my life after working with 24+ companies changed for more money as im worth more for 10 years, then 3 weeks later the first lockdowns happened which sent me straight into Bankcrupty.

So im trying to start my new career into content creation as im now completely mental PTSD problems with serious health issues and full body pains but still want to make something with my life.

Im waiting on Vaccine claim but im from very poor family, telling the truth with all this message im willing to do lie detector video on live socials also got lie detector video below!

If you have good content creation with good trusted channel im willing to meet with lie detector video to benefit our planet and stop full enslavement plan with nuclear wars as my advice will stop HELL on earth.

GOD showed me up the way to heaven and also when I saw GOD hell was to my left wasn't a very nice place to be honest thats why I risked my life getting this song out and have heavy weight of a fully disabled family.
You don't understand the pain I went through to stop dying and being sent to HELL from vaccine CROSS.

My advice the world and us people all need to go 100% natural unless your suffering with illness which I advise Natural herb remedies

Yours Truly,

David Andrew Chalmers
Lord Jesus Christ
The Messiah

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