Article 5106 Video - The Most Devastating Report -- Four Minute Read By Anna Von Reitz

3 months ago

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Article 5106 Video - The Most Devastating Report -- Four Minute Read - Monday, October 28, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

From the Brownstone Institute:

This is a nice summation of the basis for the complaints brought by the Dutch Courts against Gates, Bourla, et al. You can see why Mr. Gates is on the run in Kenya. And Bourla is nowhere to be seen.

The guilty members of Congress are hurriedly rethinking the decisions (1986) that gave the big pharma companies unilateral freedom from vaccine injury liability. Uh-duh.

And a few Americans who have been injured have realized that the U.S. Congress, Incorporated, assumed responsibility for Big Pharma, so, are suing them.

What goes around comes around. Sometimes faster and more fiercely than others....

Please compare and contrast that the same persons responsible for the entire pandemic debacle spent a billion of your dollars on a professional media blitz --- all lies -- that have damaged your health and cost millions of lives, and now want to spend a whole $430 Million to gain control of water resources in 33 States.

Can anyone here say, "Cheap date!"

The Brownstone Institute has been a solid beacon in the midst of all the hype.

Always, bear in mind, that the CDC is not a government entity. It's a private, for-profit corporation that has been given a totally inappropriate degree of authority and respect.

Just like "the Federal Reserve".

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