They Tell You why 👉 They do what they do 🤔🤔🤔

4 months ago
Trust & Raw sewage yuval....
About the photo: South Africa submits 750 pages of evidence in genocide case against Israel
The evidence includes recent statements by senior Israeli officials endorsing the ethnic cleansing of Gaza to build Jewish settlements atop the destruction.
But: Kenya has granted the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation special diplomatic status and immunity.
Note: I am not the producer of this content. I only provide the content for your entertainment.
If you see that I have posted false or incorrect content PLEASE let me know in the comments and I will try and correct it.
I have decided to not monetize my channel because I'm just the messenger and I don't feel right about making money off of others hard work...
Thank you all for following me. I would have never thought I would touch so many anon's, Patriots and other's lives....
"It isn't the rebels who create the troubles of the world, it's the troubles who create the rebels."
ThanQ, AlgorythemQ
My X account: ✅
Follow the Money!!!
Opensecrets dot org
The 1990s card game that ‘predicted’ 9/11, Donald Trump, Covid and the Capitol riot...
"The Burrp!" explained!
@MisbehavingIrishman @AlgorythemQ You can do what ya like! burrp!

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