Who Was Francis Schaeffer?

4 months ago

In 2022, Adam was invited to give a talk about Francis Schaeffer at Firth Bible Church in Firth, Nebraska. He discussed Francis Schaeffer's life story: how he attended seminary and became a pastor, experienced a crisis of faith, came through that crisis with a heart to help others who were in a similar situation, founded L'Abri with his wife Edith, and ministered through lectures, tapes, books, and most importantly, loving community. Adam also discusses how he got the opportunity to research Schaeffer's life and ministry and how Francis Schaeffer influenced him.

To read Adam's article mentioned around 58:00 where he compares the epistemologies of Schaeffer and Michael Polanyi, see here: https://convincingproof.org/created-to-know/

To read about Adam's time researching Schaeffer, see here: https://convincingproof.org/what-did-i-discover-while-researching-francis-schaeffer/

To hear many of Schaeffer's lectures yourself, see here: https://www.labriideaslibrary.org/ideaslibrarydatabase/francis-schaeffer

Click here https://linktr.ee/convincingproof/ for articles, podcasts, and other resources from Convincing Proof that give good reasons and evidence to believe that Christianity is true. You can find resources on apologetics, theology, philosophy, ethics, and more.

You can order a copy of my book, "Divine Love Theory: How the Trinity is the Source and Foundation of Morality," from Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Divine-Love-Theory-Foundation-Morality/dp/0825447577/.

Like nearly all ministries, including Jesus’ ministry (Luke 8:3), Convincing Proof is funded by a large team of people, most of whom are investing a small amount on a monthly basis. If God leads, you can donate to Convincing Proof Ministries by visiting this link: https://convincingproof.org/donate/. Thank you!

0:00 Who Was Francis Schaeffer?
11:38 Schaeffer's Crisis of Faith
19:41 How the L'Abri Ministry Was Born
25:00 Existentialism: A Popular Cultural Idea Back Then
32:53 The Counterculture Movement
39:05 Schaeffer's Lectures, Tapes, and Books
48:18 Schaeffer's Political Activism and Later Life
52:32 How Francis Schaeffer Influenced Me

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