. Chris Shoemaker makes an important point

4 months ago

Dr. Chris Shoemaker makes an important point: They're not "bad side effects" from the COVID injections, they're "bad effects."

The "side effects" are intended.

This clip of Canadian Comprehensive Physician Dr. Chris Shoemaker (@CShoemakerMD) is taken from a recent Jason Lavigne podcast (@JasonLavigneMP) featuring Shoemaker and Dr. Mark Trozzi (@DrTrozzi).

"Flu shots don't work. And we know that the COVID jab is even worse. It's negative efficacy. It makes you more likely to get COVID from the Cleveland Clinic [study], as we know," Shoemaker says. "So you're taking shots that do absolutely no good...."

Shoemaker adds, "Since they...don't work from stopping you to get flu or COVID, well, then what is the purpose? The purpose is to create these side effects, apparently, and the side effects include chronic disability, need to go on MAID protection when you are a perfectly healthy 35-year-old 3 years later. And 3 years later, you're in a wheelchair."

Partial transcription of clip:

"Flu shots don't work. They've never worked. They never they there is no positive impact from taking a flu shot in terms of preventing you from getting flu. We've all known that. As doctors, we've known that for years.
And we know that the COVID jab is even worse.
It's negative efficacy. It makes you more likely to get COVID from the Cleveland Clinic, as we know.
More likely the more shots you get.

"So you're taking shots that do absolutely no good for the process. You're living in la la land to be taking these shots. They don't work for a benefit. And you tie that with the fact of the things we've now told you about their bad side effects or and I would call them the bad effects. Since they don't work for the purpose since they don't work from stopping you to get flu or COVID, well,
then what is the purpose? The purpose is to create these side effects, apparently, and the side effects
include chronic disability, need to go on MAID protection when you are a perfectly healthy 35
year old 3 years later. And 3 years later, you're in a wheelchair. You're in terrible pain. You've got shingles over your body, and you're being granted MAID services
from the province of Ontario because your life has been wrecked."

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