Olive Branch with Yanna and Yona

3 months ago

El Yanna and DJ High Yona.
خلص الحكي شو بعد بقول
خلص البكي والقلب مجروح
بعيدي هيك وعم صلي ليك
و ابعت سلام بغصن زيتون
بعيدي هيك وعم صلي ليك
و ابعت سلام بغصن زيتون
بارض السلام مات السلام
و كون غافي ع طفل موجوع

Translation from Arabic:

Words aren’t enough, what else can I say?
My tears have dried out, and my heart is broken
I'm far away, but I’m praying for you
And I’m sending peace, on an olive branch

I’m far away, but I’m praying for you
And I’m sending peace, on an olive branch

In the land of peace, peace is dead
And the world is sleeping on a hurt child

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