Iran Strikes Back At The US Over Israel Attack!

4 months ago

Right, so Iran has struck back at Israel over it’s attack on them on Saturday with a war of words and smack talk as I covered in another video the other day, but now has taken the US on directly too, a strike on them that is absolutely genius, because it puts the Biden administration between a rock and hard place, just where it deserves to be.
You see, instead of just laying out some smack talk on the US as well, Iran have instead gone to the United Nations. But not only that, whilst the US has warned Iran not to strike back following Israel’s latest act of aggression and whilst our wet wipe of a UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer has said likewise, Iran have said OK fine, we won’t strike back, as long as Israel get out of Gaza and get out of Lebanon. Bring an end to the atrocity and we won’t strike you back. On offer on the table for Israel’s western backers to obviously refuse, but that’ll be on them, plus trouble brewing thanks to Iran making demands of the UN to intervene, done in a manner to bring maximum shame down on the United States. They’re boxing clever and boxing in shameless politicians n the Middle East and the West at the same time. Like I said, it’s genius.
Right, so how to put the US and Israel in a bind and use every weapon at your disposal under international law to do it. Well after handing Israel it’s backside verbally following it’s weaker than a cup of microwaved tea latest assault on Iran, very much not self defence but an act of aggression as that was, following two attacks on Iran previously that prompted rocket fired retaliation in turn, Iran have this time not gone for third times a charm quite yet, they bided their time last time making Israel worry themselves silly about when and what scale the response from Iran would take, and they are arguably doing so again this time as well, but the difference is that instead of going wait and see, we’re going to strike back when we’re good and ready, they have taken a diplomatic approach, they’ve now said, here’s a deal on the table for you, and really this is just a reiteration of what the entire Arab world involved in action with Israel over their genocide in Gaza have been saying, be it Hezbollah or the Houthis or Islamic Resistance in Iraq and that is to end the siege in Gaza. Iran have publicly stated to Israel following their latest attack on Iran, targeting military sites this time only, proving they can stick to military targets and not civilian ones, a reminder as if we needed it that their choice to target civilian areas is a conscious they have been therefore making, that all they need to do to avoid another rocket attack from Iran that they will have once again brought on themselves, is for Israel to get out of Gaza and get out of Lebanon.
The Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories has already been deemed illegal by the International Court of Justice, in an advisory capacity, but that should still carry the necessary weight in my view, why should it have to require more hoops to jump through just to be made legally binding, as if the decision is not already a matter of fact and academic and they’ve invaded another sovereign country in Lebanon, in direct violation of UN resolution 1701, which expressly forbids Israel from crossing into Lebanon, but which the same US and Israel who struck Iran, is trying to get rewritten, the US lead negotiator if you can call him such a thing, being a literal Israeli citizen himself, working for the Biden administration, a former IDF tank crewman, tank crews not faring well in Lebanon as I’ve mentioned in other content, Hezbollah very much having the number of Israel’s Merkava tanks, having merked some 28 of them at last count in just a month.
If the US and Israel are so keen on de-escalation as western mainstream media keeps trying to imply that they are, then why wouldn’t take such a deal? Of course they’re not. A US deal with Israel is seeing CIA trained mercenaries preparing to be the prison guards of the next generation of Gazan concentration camps and the deal being presented by that Israeli negotiator acting on behalf of the US and Israel, Amos Hochstein, is demanding Lebanon cede territory and their sovereignty to Israel as a prerequisite of any peace. In my view, with all this considered and all of these stories have been covered by this channel in recent days, there is no honest peace brokership here, there is none to be had with direct involvement of the US or its proxy, which is frankly all Israel is. For as much as our media talk of Iran’s proxies, Israel is literally a US one. They won’t let it fail, but equally they won’t put it back in its box when in the name of peace that is exactly what has to happen. Otherwise further escalation is assured.
So Iran have put that offer to Israel and the US anyway, knowing as I’m sure they do it won’t be taken up, so they haven’t left things there, there’s more and this is where the stroke of genius comes in. Here’s an excerpt from The Cradle laying it out:
‘Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi called on the UN on 27 October to convene an urgent Security Council meeting in response to Israel's recent missile and drone attack on the Islamic Republic while affirming Iran's right to retaliate.
Araghchi issued a letter to the UN Secretary-General stating that the "Islamic Republic of Iran calls on the President of the Security Council to convene an urgent meeting to address these serious violations and illegal actions, ensuring that this regime is held accountable for its actions."
"While Iran's air defense system intercepted most of the missiles, four Iranian army officers bravely sacrificed their lives to protect the national security of their country and were martyred," Araghchi's letter stated.
In the early hours of 26 October, Israel launched a missile and drone attack on Iranian military sites in the provinces of Tehran, Khuzestan, and Ilam, killing four Iranian soldiers.
The minister emphasized that the Islamic Republic reserves the "right to duly respond to this aggression, which cannot be separated from Israel's genocide in Gaza and bloodshed in Lebanon. The world must unite against this common threat to international peace and security."’
Well that all sounds horribly reasonable doesn’t it? Bucks the trend of the narratives we keep getting spoon fed about Iran as far as the beef between them and Israel builds.
I have to say until I read this article, I was still only aware of two deaths, not realising that had risen to four, but it’s only by reading excellent sources of alternative media covering these events impartially that you get to hear of such things, I can’t emphasise enough how valuable an outlet The Cradle is on what is happening in the Middle East.
Now that emergency meeting request by Iran of the UN Security Council, has been supported over the weekend by Algeria, China and Russia and it puts the US and the UK frankly after Keir Starmer’s abominable demand that Iran not respond and that Israel despite being the attacker, the perpetrator, has a right to defend itself, because obviously both of those nations, are permanent UN Security Council members, with Algeria being on the UNSC until 2025. That meeting is happening today, but has not been resolved at time of writing.
What we have also learned is that since this request was made by Iran, a complaint has been submitted by Iraq, complaining of the use of Iraq’s airspace by Israel in order to attack Iran. This has dropped Israel and the US especially in a huge pile of do-do, because in Iraq, following two massive wars there over the past 30 years, the Gulf War and the Iraq War, there are a large number of US military bases and installations still there.
On October 10th the Islamic Resistance in Iraq warned in a statement to Israel and the US that the use of Iraqi airspace to target Iran will be met with strikes on Israel but also on all US Bases, camps & Interests in the region.
Well of course that has happened now and so the attacks on US bases have begun too, Islamic Resistance are currently engaged in attacking US bases in Syria, as well as strikes on Israel. They started responding last night with the Al Tanf US base targeted by drones twice and the Al Omar US Base, sited in Syria’s largest oil field, with rockets.
Not being able to use Iraqi airspace would present Israel with a logistical problem, diplomatic ties between the US and Iraq are strained anyway, Iraq is tired of the US presence still there, they’d be unlikely I imagine to stop Islamic Resistance hitting those bases therefore, but who knows how that’d play out. Frankly diplomatic ties between the US and anyone but Israel seem to be less important to them.
But now the US have to face Iran and the actions they were party to at the UN Security Council, who are demanding of the Security Council that they address the illegal actions and serious violations committed by Israel, as well as state their affirmation, that the state of Iran, as a UN sovereign member state, has a right to defend itself and retaliate by way of self defence.
They’re daring the US and UK to vote against them having that right of self defence before the eyes of the world, as well as daring them, despite the unprovoked nature of Israel’s latest attack, all of them having been unprovoked, but this one they are desperately trying to sell as self defence even if it wasn’t. Where western media will undoubtedly spin this for all they are worth, most of the rest of the world will see the truth of however this situation unfolds and how the UNSC reacts accordingly. Either the US chuck their precious proxy under the bus, or they deny a sovereign state the right of self defence by still trying to sell a lie of Iran’s aggression having been the instigating factor. I shall watch with interest to see how this emergency meeting ends up resolved.
Where Iran are firing back at the US today in large part at that UN Security Council meeting, they’ve already had a crack at Israel, though very much in verbal fashion following their attack, because as much as it is a very serious matter to attack another nation and as much as there is nothing funny that 4 Iranian soldiers lost their lives in this attack, Iran’s smack talk at Israel following what they saw overall as a very weak attack, Israel possibly unable to afford much more of a show than they put on, has certainly meant Israel have gained nothing, but have if anything lost even more face in the eyes of the world following it’s latest air strike. Get all the details of that story in this video recommendation here and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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