Oak Hill Church of Christ 10-27-24 Message: "Train Up A Child"

1 month ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ preaching minister, Randy Sterling, delivers a message on the importance of being mindful of the gifts that God has blessed us with.

Proverbs 22:6 is often used as an instruction toward parents that they ought to pass on the moral virtues of faith and Godly instruction to their children, and, certainly, instilling in a child the moral strengths that come from Biblical instruction is a valuable tool that can continue to serve as an anchor for that child into adulthood. The scripture, however, does not say that God will force children to become moral just because their parents raise them in a Godly way. Indeed, there are plenty of bad people raised by good parents.

So, how else can the scripture be interpreted? By considering that God asks of parents that they raise the child according to his (or her) strengths, skills, and interests. God has given to each person talents and etched into their minds various desires. It is the job of the parent to give that child support as he (or she) proceeds to show various interests and desires.

In doing so, the proverb suggests that the parents will have given their child a lifelong opportunity to continue to return to that skill or interest. By supporting our children as they grow, we can prepare them for a better and more stable future. Furthermore, we should consider also doing the same for ourselves and even our adult family members and friends.

Don't deny yourself (or your loved ones) the opportunity to walk down the path that God has given you. Support those interests. Have you always felt the desire to paint? Get a canvas and some paint. Love numbers? Get some math puzzles. God has placed an interest in your heart, maybe even more than one. Walk with God and find out just what God has in store for you.

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