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Did you know that praying in tongues is one of the most powerful ways God teaches us supernaturally? Throughout Scripture, we see a pattern of God using humble, even surprising methods to communicate His wisdom and empower His people. In Isaiah 28:11-12, we’re given a unique insight into how God chooses to instruct and refresh those who are willing to submit to His ways:

“No, but [the Lord] will teach the rebels in a more humiliating way by men with stammering lips and another tongue. To these complaining Jews the Lord had said, ‘This is the true rest [the way to true comfort and happiness] that you shall give to the weary; and this is the [true] refreshing’—yet they would not listen [to His teaching].” (Isaiah 28:11-12, AMPC)

In this passage, the “more humiliating way” refers to a supernatural form of communication that bypasses human intellect. Speaking in tongues can seem strange or foolish to the natural mind, yet God uses it to deliver deep spiritual truths and insights that we can only receive by the Spirit. This method, although humbling, is a divine path to wisdom and rest. In praying in tongues, we surrender our natural understanding to God, allowing Him to fill us with spiritual knowledge, guidance, and peace.

This message finds resonance in James 4:5-6, where James elaborates on the Spirit’s passionate desire for us to walk closely with God, humbly receiving His instruction and grace:

“Or do you suppose that the Scripture is speaking to no purpose that says, The Spirit Whom He has caused to dwell in us yearns over us and He yearns for the Spirit [to be welcome] with a jealous love? But He gives us more and more grace (power of the Holy Spirit, to meet this evil tendency and all others fully). That is why He says, God sets Himself against the proud and haughty, but gives grace [continually] to the lowly (those who are humble enough to receive it).” (James 4:5-6, AMPC)

The phrase "more grace" is powerful here. God promises to grant an overflow of grace, or divine empowerment, to those who walk humbly before Him. This grace is connected to the working of the Holy Spirit within us, who "yearns for us with a jealous love." God’s longing for closeness with us includes filling us with the Holy Spirit and enabling us to pray in tongues, which opens the door for us to receive this "more grace." Through the baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, we become recipients of this abundant grace, empowering us to overcome life’s challenges and deepen our intimacy with God.

In both passages, we see that God’s teaching and empowerment come in response to humility and surrender. Isaiah’s message highlights how God uses "stammering lips" or the act of speaking in tongues to bring "true rest" and "refreshing" to the weary. This is not a teaching that fits into conventional wisdom or intellectual understanding; it requires a willingness to let go of control and rely on the Spirit’s guidance. Similarly, James emphasizes that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble, showing us that humility is the key to receiving more from God.

Additionally, as we pray in tongues, we create space for the Holy Spirit to impart wisdom and revelation about God’s Word and His purposes for our lives. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be our teacher, leading us into all truth (John 16:13). Praying in tongues facilitates this process, allowing the Spirit to bypass our intellectual limits and communicate God’s thoughts directly to our spirit. Over time, as we practice this, we find ourselves growing in discernment, faith, and understanding of God’s will.

Praying in tongues is also a way of partnering with the Holy Spirit in spiritual warfare. As we speak in tongues, we are declaring God’s will into situations, even when we don’t fully know what that will is. This aligns with the concept of "more grace" from James 4:6, as God gives us the grace and power to face every challenge when we submit to Him. Tongues allow us to pray the perfect will of God into our lives and the lives of others, enabling us to stand strong in the face of trials.

Moreover, when we humble ourselves to pray in tongues, we are expressing dependence on the Spirit rather than relying on our own understanding. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to "lean not on our own understanding," and praying in tongues is a practical way to live this out. By releasing control and letting the Holy Spirit pray through us, we’re saying, "God, I trust You more than I trust myself."

This practice draws us deeper into a relationship with the Holy Spirit, opening us up to supernatural teaching, refreshing, and empowerment. God’s jealous love for us, His yearning for close communion, is met when we yield to the Spirit and engage in this divine prayer language. In doing so, we align ourselves with His will and position ourselves to receive all the spiritual resources we need to live victoriously.






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