輝瑞首席執行官因就新冠疫苗向數十億人撒謊而面臨終身監禁 Pfizer CEO Facing Life in Prison for Lying to Billions About COVID Vaccine

3 months ago


#輝瑞 首席執行官因就 #新冠疫苗 向數十億人 #撒謊 而面臨 #終身監禁

#Pfizer CEO Facing #LifeInPrison for Lying to Billions About #CovidVaccine


輝瑞首席執行官 #阿爾伯特布爾拉 赤裸裸的 #謊言 引發了近代歷史上最大的健康 #醜聞 之一。 #布爾拉 向世界保證新冠疫苗是安全有效的,結果賺取了數千億美元的收入。

但對於無數人來說,這些保證付出了毀滅性的代價—— #疫苗傷害 、職業生涯中斷、生命喪失、兒童失去父母,許多兒童自己也因 #心力衰竭 而倒下。

當 #主流媒體 繼續向大眾灌輸兒童總是會遭受 #心臟驟停 的思想時,一位 #荷蘭 法官正在邁出第一步,追究 #新冠 #陰謀集團 的責任。

加入我們,深入挖掘讓全球 #精英 們膽戰心驚的清算的開端。

#Pfizer’s CEO #AlbertBourla ’s bare-faced lies that fueled one of the biggest health #Scandal s in recent history. #Bourla assured the world that #Covid19Vaccine s were safe and effective, raking in hundreds of billions of dollars as a result.

But for countless individuals, those assurances have come at a devastating cost— #VaccineInjuries
, careers cut short, lives lost, and children left without parents, with many children collapsing from #FeartFailure themselves.

While the #MainStreamMedia continues gaslighting the masses into believing children have always suffered #CardiacSrrest s, a #Dutch judge is taking the first steps towards holding the #Covid #cabal accountable.

Join us as we dig into the beginnings of a reckoning that has the global elite shaking in their boots.

來源: #TPV #ThePeoplesVoice 英語原版 https://rumble.com/v5k8vwl-pfizer-ceo-facing-life-in-prison-for-lying-to-billions-about-covid-vaccine.html

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#Depopulation #mRNA #BillGates #CrimesAgainstHumanity

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