4 months ago

THURSBANE treks the sacred fen with bogged down riffs, extra thick bass, and low growls, as though you were trudging through the bogs one heaving step at a time.
We shall call these lands... DREGBOG. Where when our native troth flourished, the Bogs and Fens were held sacred.
And sometimes the Dregs of society were given to such places. Profane bodies banished from sight and sentenced/sacrificed to their doom, restoring order to the folk and swallowed by the Bog.

DREGBOG will reflect this territory.

THURSBANE continues the themes of Ancient Germanic Gods and cosmology, songs of struggle and sovereignty.

Originally these songs were to be an instrumental album with long droned out song structures.
Inspiration took another direction. As lyrics came these songs mutated.
They were then greatly shortened to fit a more traditional song structure.

In the sprite of the original album inception, instrumental track variations will be included. They can stand on their own and have some differences compared to the vocal versions.

Let the journey begin. And follow the noble path!

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