Is Starmer's Client Media Hiding Israel's Dark Secrets?

4 months ago

Right, so now that we’ve borne witness to Keir Starmer’s race to defend Israel’s right to defend itself as it attacked Iran and then warned Iran to not respond, because Iran evidently has no right to defend itself, another reminder that Keir Starmer will go to any length to defend Israel no matter what they do it seems, there’s another story which has gone astonishingly non reported in UK mainstream media in relation to the deaths of six charity workers working in Gaza that occurred last week, all of whom worked for British charity Oxfam, though Oxfam has over the years certainly gone international with the aid it provides.
Nevertheless, this is a charity who’s roots are embedded here in the UK and yet a week has now passed since this news came out in foreign media and alternative media, however the mainstream media, not one outlet that I’ve seen has picked this story up, so is this another demonstration of how deeply Keir Starmer’s pro Israel roots of support go and has a D notice been issued as some have surmised could explain that, or are the mainstream media fundamentally just as pro Israel as Keir Starmer is and just as committed to covering up what is a very awkward news story to defend the establishment against?
Right, so is it a cover up or are the deaths of six aid workers in Gaza, when so many others have already died, simply not newsworthy enough for any of our mainstream media outlets anymore? With the Prime Minister Keir Starmer having stood up yesterday in Samoa and giving one of the most shameless speeches of his tenure thusfar and boy is that saying something, where his ardent support for Israel continues, despite their unprovoked most recent attack on Iran, regardless of how weak it was in the eyes of Iran, they are still mulling over a retaliation once more now. But Starmer has stood up and said to Iran they shouldn’t respond. They were the ones being attacked, but they don’t have a right to defend themselves. He’s either a complete and utter political pygmy and his claims to have been a former human rights barrister a complete sham, or he’s so bought and paid for by vested interests and US foreign policy, that he’s simply not allowed to say anything else, begging the question who exactly is running the country these days? And we certainly deserve answers both from politicians and the media as to why this story, a big story, has gone completely ignored.
On the 19th October, four Oxfam workers were killed in Central Khan Younis, just north of Rafah, so in the southern end of the Gaza Strip and they were there, working with one of Oxfam’s partner organisations, the Coastal Municipalities Water Utility, or CMWU, in order to repair water infrastructure that had been destroyed by the IDF. Oxfam themselves even issued a statement, the basis for any media coverage really, a source straight from the horses mouth so to speak, which read:
‘Oxfam condemns in the strongest terms the killing in Gaza of four water engineers and workers from the Khuzaa municipality who were working with our strategic partner the Coastal Municipalities Water Utility (CMWU).
The four men were killed on their way to conduct repairs to water infrastructure in Khuzaa, east of Khan Younis. Despite prior coordination with Israeli authorities their clearly-marked vehicle was bombed. Oxfam stands in solidarity with the CMWU, their partners and the families of the victims.
Their deaths deepen the catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Gaza where access to clean water is already severely compromised.
Dozens of engineers, civil servants and humanitarian workers have been killed in Israeli airstrikes throughout this war. They were all working on essential services to keep Gaza's fragile infrastructure running. Despite their movements being coordinated with the Israeli authorities by the CMWU and the Palestinian Water Authority, to ensure their safety, they were still targeted.
Attacks on civilian infrastructure and those who maintain it are clear violations of international humanitarian law. Those responsible must be held to account. Such attacks are part of the crime of using starvation as a weapon of war.
Oxfam demands an independent investigation into this and other attacks on essential workers. We reiterate our calls for a ceasefire, an immediate halt to arms transfers to Israel, and the international community to ensure Israel is held accountable for its continued assault on civilians and those working to deliver life-saving services.’
It's another example of the media either choosing to be or being instructed to be silent on what is a massive story, a huge travesty being omitted, because that’s a failure of basic journalism. Journalists hold power to account, yet nobody is being held to account here.
There’s another example of this seemingly happening too, though this isn’t directly involving the media per se, but the Ministry of Defence, but it involves aid workers again and this is a story that came out back in July, again the mainstream media ignored it, but if you’re looking for news they won’t cover and it involves the military especially, then Declassified UK should be your port of call, and their chap John McEvoy dropped a story from back then involving the attack on those World Food Kitchen workers, who again had filed their travel plans through Gaza with Israel and yet were struck anyway.
Well as it turns out, the RAF were conducting some of those surveillance flights I mentioned the other day in a video, they’ve actually been known about for months, yet again, you’ll have not heard squat in the mainstream media about them, but due to the fact a surveillance flight was happening, the RAF has apparently got surveillance of that attack, which killed three British workers, but the MoD has refused to publish it, refused to release it on the grounds of security. Well who’s security? According to Declassified UK, it may involve MI6 or UK Special Forces.
Now that story by Declassified came out in July and related to that World Food Kitchen incident from back in April, but now we’re hearing – in the mainstream media, they’re allowed to cover this it seems – that surveillance footage may contain evidence of war crimes, the UK official line being that these surveillance flights were there looking for the hostages, but where Al Jazeera have revealed the RAF have allegedly been passing targeting data to the IDF, direct involvement in the genocide of Gaza if true, but in a story that made me think, now that that’s got out, they need to try and save their own backsides, they may hand over footage to international investigators building a case of war crimes, though haven’t made clear who might have made such a request, if anyone, the coverage from Sky implies nobody has, so this is seemingly the MoD saying, we’ve evidence here, we’re prepared to make a deal and possibly throw Israel under the bus, but more likely to help instead build a case against Hamas I would think. At any rate, they seem to have evidence of something and they previously wouldn’t release anything on security grounds so make of that what you will.
The other two Oxfam workers, heath workers, were killed in the ongoing strikes in the north of Gaza, where Israel is basically enacting an extermination, particularly focussed on the Jabalia refugee camp. Turkish news outlet Anadolu Agency covered this story, an excerpt from the 20th October reading:
‘“Oxfam mourns the tragic loss of our partners at Juzoor, Dr. Ahmad Al-Najar and midwife Laila Jneid, killed by Israeli airstrikes on Jabalia,” the humanitarian organization said in a statement on X late Saturday.
It said the two workers were providing lifesaving health care in Gaza.
“Attacking aid workers is a war crime,” Oxfam said, renewing its call for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza.
The Israeli army has pressed ahead with a massive offensive, now in its 16th day, in northern Gaza amid a suffocating siege on the area.’
Again, there is no mention of this incident in the UK media.
The closest I got was in the live reporting as it happens stream on the BBC website from the 19th October, where they made mention of the 4 Oxfam workers killed trying to restore water in Kahn Younis, reported as that news came in and saying they had approached Israel for comment, yet there was no follow up to this at all that I could find, just a snippet in the live coverage as it was happening and then nothing, which has prompted people to wonder if a D notice was issued to the media on this story, which killed off any further coverage beyond that.
D-Notices, or DSMA Notices, standing for Defence and Security Media Advisory Notices, are issued by the government to the media as an advisory only notice, they aren’t legally binding, to not broadcast or publish certain facts that may be necessary to national security.
If this is what has happened, in what way is national security to the UK affected, by occurrences happening in Israel? What exactly are we up to if this is indeed what is happening?
The fact is people in this country are now becoming so suspicious of UK government motivations where it comes to Israel and Gaza, that they are asking questions of our media seemingly ignoring so much of it, as to whether that is something they are abiding by due to government instruction. Given Keir Starmer’s determination to defend Israel even in the face of them launching another unprovoked attack on another sovereign state and still calls it self defence, and the state they attack having no right to respond, no right of self defence, it’s easy to believe isn’t it? What are we not being told?
For more on the UKs role in surveillance being done seemingly to aid and abet Israel in Gaza as per Al Jazeera’s expose, because we have to rely on foreign media to do our medias job of holding our government to account, check out this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks

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