All Things Spiritual-Revelation Chapter 2 Part 4

3 months ago

Revelation 2:18 tells the angel of the church in Thyatira, describing the Son of God as having eyes like a flame of fire and feet like fine brass. The Son of God is described as having the same nature with the Father, having piercing, penetrating, perfect knowledge and thorough insight into all persons and things. He searches the hearts and tries the reins of the children of men, and his care is steady, pure, and holy. The angel of the church in Thyatira is warned that Jezebel, a woman who claimed to be a prophetess, will be cast into a bed and her children will be killed with death. The church is told that the Son will give power over the nations, and the morning star will be given to those who overcome and keep his works. The epistle assures that the gospel was brought into Thyatira by Lydia, a woman who believed in Paul's teachings and was baptized.

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