The TRUTH About Silver Investing

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In this video I talk about silver price moving up and how many paper silver ounces are traded vs real silver ounces. When it comes to the paper vs physical silver ratio there are several ways to look at it. If you look at paper silver traded vs the silver mined in a year it is about 408:1 right now. I prefer to not use this ratio as silver mining can fluctuate greatly. I prefer to look at the paper silver traded vs the above ground silver stockpiles which is about 74:1. Either way you look at it though the ratio is way out of whack for silver and if you don't own physical silver then you don't own silver. Will this lead to higher silver prices down the road? If the whole system implodes then the only people left with silver will be the ones holding it initially. Here is the Jeffery Christian interview:

Silver Insider EXPOSES & DESTROYS Silver Lies, Conspiracies, and Myths:

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