James Comer: I'm Not Confident That the US Is Ready to Address CCP’s Threat

1 month ago

10/25/2024 James Comer, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee: CCP is our biggest threat, and yet the average government employee, even the high-ranking government employees, don't know what to look for. There's so much more that CCP does to disrupt and influence U.S. policy to give it a competitive advantage over the U.S., that really puts the US in a corner. I'm not confident that the US is ready to address CCP’s threat.
#ccpthreat #influence #takedownCCP #Chinese≠CCP #drones #foodsupply
10/25/2024 美国众议院监督委员会主席詹姆斯·科默:中共是我们最大的威胁,然而,普通政府雇员,甚至是高级官员,都不知道该注意什么。中共有许多手段来破坏和影响美国政策,使其在与美国的竞争中占据优势,这实际上把美国逼入了困境。我对美国已准备好应对中共威胁信心不足。
#中共威胁 #影响力 #消灭中共 #中共不等于中国人 #无人机 #食品供应

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