Kamala Harris Tries A New Strategy At Rally With Michelle Obama: Being Completely Unhinged

4 months ago

Posted • October 26, 2024: Yes, acting like an unhinged angry menopausal crazy woman will totally inspire people to vote for you. Oh, wait…no. The arms are flailing, and she's growling as if she's about to bite the head off a bat. It's a look, and it's not a good one for a struggling nominee desperate to right the ship just days before the final votes of the election are cast. What if I told you it gets worse, though? Believe it or not, this is a scripted performance she's delivered before, and the Trump campaign helpfully put together a video illustrating that. Get ready to have your mind blown. https://rumble.com/v5jf8t1-stepford-candidate-trump-campaign-posts-devastating-video-of-how-scripted-a.html -- It's not just that Harris is repeating the same thing over and over. It's that even the hand gestures and facial expressions are the same. This is something that was workshopped and rehearsed, and the vice president's delivery shows all the skills of a third-rate high-school actor.

The rehearsed hand gestures and voice inflections. There is no actual candidate. There's just a performance by an actress and she knows she can't break it even now. President of the Drama Club. Who is this appealing to? What undecided voter is seeing Harris raving like a lunatic and deciding she deserves their vote? Far be it from me to question the vast knowledge of the campaign consultant class, but this doesn't seem like the best closing argument to me. Americans want answers to real problems, not deranged rants and Hitler comparisons. Yet, that's exactly what Harris is pumping out in the closing days of this race. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Kamala Harris Tries a New Strategy at Rally With Michelle Obama: Being Completely Unhinged
Rumble: Stepford Candidate: Trump Campaign Posts DEVASTATING Video Of How Scripted And Phony Kamala Is
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