5 months ago

Historic Military Raids Across 100+ Countries: Trump’s Alliance Targets Global Cabal, Human Trafficking, Illegal Arms Production, and Bioweapons Development—All Leading to NESARA/GESARA!

We are witnessing the dawn of a new era. A global alliance led by Trump is dismantling the centuries-old cabal that thrived on secrecy, manipulation, and exploitation. This operation is liberating humanity and building a future defined by NESARA/GESARA and the Quantum Financial System (QFS).

Since early 2024, covert military operations have intensified worldwide. In August, a joint U.S. Special Forces operation stormed a hidden cabal base in Argentina, exposing hubs for human trafficking, illegal arms production, and bioweapons development. Vast stockpiles of stolen gold, artifacts, and classified documents—revealing plans for a global pandemic—were seized and destroyed. The cabal’s stranglehold is breaking.

In July, “Operation Phoenix Rising” targeted cabal ships off Malta, exposing networks trafficking gold, weapons, and people disguised as humanitarian aid. Navy SEALs, British SAS, and Italian forces struck swiftly, disrupting a key financial artery of the cabal and sending a clear message: the alliance will no longer tolerate these crimes.

The Grand Finale: NESARA/GESARA and the QFS
These are not isolated events; they are strategic moves in a chess game leading to NESARA/GESARA. NESARA wipes out personal and national debts, restoring wealth to the people. Meanwhile, the QFS—an unhackable, gold-backed financial system launching in December—will end corrupt banking, ensuring wealth holds true value.

The Federal Reserve’s hidden accounts are set to be exposed, showing trillions in stolen funds that will be redistributed. Suppressed technologies—zero-point energy, quantum healing beds, anti-gravity propulsion—are prepped for release, marking the end of monopolies and giving power back to the people.

Trump’s Strategic Command
Trump isn’t a symbolic figure; he’s orchestrating a network of allied leaders and tech renegades to bypass Big Tech censorship, ensuring the truth reaches everyone. In July, Trump and world leaders finalized plans for a global tribunal to hold cabal elites accountable, including crimes against humanity.

Operation Free World launches November 2024, targeting the cabal’s final strongholds across 60+ countries. Expect disruptions—cyberattacks, market crashes—but the alliance is prepared, every move anticipated.

Prepare for a World Transformed
The QFS and NESARA/GESARA lay the foundation for a society where financial freedom, free energy, and health are rights, not privileges. The storm is sweeping away the old world order. Trump and the alliance are building a future where truth, prosperity, and power belong to the people.

The revolution is here. Stand with Trump, stand with the alliance, and prepare for a world transformed. The final act has begun, and there’s no stopping it.

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