
5 months ago

"You cannot legislate morality"--you cannot make something moral by making it legal.

The first of our self-evident, Creator-endowed Rights is Life, without which Liberty & Prosperity are meaningless.
In the continual quest to make Colorado the central location for feticide tourism and eliminate the age-of-consent for minors, democrat voters have introduced Prop 179 to enshrine feticide through delivery in Colorado’s constitution. Keep in mind that feticide through birth is already legal, democrat voters just want to ensure it is woven into the fabric of our State and paid for with our tax dollars.

HB13-1154 dictated took the unprecedented step of implying the State’s ability to confer personhood-- “Nothing …shall be construed to confer the status of "person" upon a human embryo, fetus, or unborn child at any stage of development prior to live birth.”
Nearly a decade later HB22-1279 took that non-person status and specifically removed any rights of personhood, to specifically deny 5th & 14th amendment protections, stating “a fertilized e.g, embryo, or fetus does not have independent or derivative rights under the laws of the state” and authorized extermination via “ANY MEDICAL PROCEDURE, (any) INSTRUMENT, (any) AGENT, OR (any)DRUG.” And “ANY” has a very broad range, with no restrictions on how “cruel or unusual” those means might be. The question must be asked, “upon whom else has the State not conferred personhood?” because this bloodthirsty rush to enshrine feticide has left everybody vulnerable, but especially the unborn.

"Rights" themselves are not granted by the State, nor even by our Constitution. They are recognized in our Declaration of Independence as self-evidently Creator-endowed based on the observations of "the Laws of Nature & Nature's God." "Rights" then are premised on a recognition of a Creator, so a violation of someone's Rights is a denial of that status which is a denial of the basis of Rights in general, and of one's own Rights specifically. Rights are an "all for one, or none for all" arrangement. Pretending to a Right to destroy another human actually negates the entire premise of Rights in general.
“I didn’t leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me.” – Ronald Reagan
Has the Democrat Party Left you as well? If you value Life, it Left you loooong ago.
Consider the hot-button issue of feticide, euphemistically referred to as “abortion.” While abortion is the truncation of a pregnancy after the unborn human has died, feticide is the termination of an unborn human for the sake of truncating a pregnancy. It is framed as being “pro-Choice,” or “a woman’s right to choose,” but at what point in our existence between a conception and death are we conferred with bodily autonomy? This invokes another famous Reagan quote, “I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”

I am personally for choice, but we must also be responsible for our choices, and choosing to impose the cost of your choices onto another seems unjust.

To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln,
"I read once in a law book,
'A slave is a human being who is legally not a person but a thing.'
And if the safeguards to liberty are broken down, as is now attempted,
when they have made things of all the (unborn humans),
how long, think you,
before they will begin to make things of (you)?"

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