Ma'dam Chair

5 months ago

“Gender” when I looked it up is “the male sex or the female sex…” which corresponds to the original definition of “A sex, male or female.”
Of course, at the time there had not been the discovery of the XX & XY distinction at the cellular level…just think…you can identify the sex of an individual at the cellular level—homogametic vs heterogametic. Any genetic scientist worth their credentials would tell you that nearly 100% of the time homogametic and heterogametic individuals have very distinct and very characteristic physical expressions, while intellectual and psychological are mainly different in the extrema of the Bell curves.
A “pronoun” “In grammar, a word used instead of a noun or name, to prevent the repetition of it. The personal pronouns in English, are I, thou or you, he, she, we, ye and they.”
MIS'TER, noun The common title of address to gentlemen, and to men of all classes.
Gentleman: A man of good breeding, politeness, and civil manners, as distinguished from the vulgar and clownish.
Man in the DoI sense: “ Mankind; the human race;” but more specifically “A male individual of the human race, of adult growth or years”
MAD'AM, noun An appellation or complimentary title given to married and elderly ladies, or chiefly to them.
A woman of distinction. … by custom, the title belongs to any woman of genteel education.
Woman: The female of the human race, grown to adult years.
Note that Webster referred to “human race” while 1039 considers that "Race" includes hair texture, hair type, or a protective hairstyle that is commonly or historically associated with race.

Now, Wikipedia lists a whole lot of “gender identities” including Calabai & Calalai “two of the five genders of the Bugis” people which is one “of the three major ethnic groups of South Sulawesi,” But, a “gender identity” has nothing to do with “sex”, of which there are 2—homogametic and heterogametic—male or female, from whence we derive “ma’dam” and “mister”. So, in the sense that I refer to someone as either male or female, I am comporting with proper grammar which far precedes the cultural appropriation being imposed on us. It is not “mis-gendering” to correctly pronoun someone based on the basis of pronouns, which is “sex.”
Even sociologists when they describe the 80 meanings of gender expression stop short of saying “there are 80 different genders”
It’s worth noting that a “gender identity” like “Chuckchi Ne’uchika” the individual was “assigned male at birth but are believed to have been ordered by a spirit to undergo a gender transformation”…giving witness to the fact that “gender identity” outside of the distinctions of male or female—heterogametic or homogametic—is spiritual in nature and the imposition thereof is a violation of my 1st amendment Rights.

Per the efforts to write this religion into our CRS, “gender expression”

As Voltaire observed, “"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." An “absurdity” is “The quality of being inconsistent with obvious truth, reason, or sound judgment.” The reality is that there are two sexes, and it is inconsistent with the obvious truth to pretend otherwise, which makes me wonder what atrocities are intended by those impose these absurdities.

You don’t own grammar
You don’t own reality.

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