4 months ago

Because this man teaches a pre-tribulation rapture, I must offer correction.
Matthew 13:24-27
Further proof offered in my text video on the RAPTURE.
Some facts you might not know about Sukkoth.
1. The place where the Hebrew Israelis first camped, exiting Egypt, is still called Sukkoth (spelling varies).
2. Y'shua ("Jesus") was born on the first day of Sukkoth, born in a sukka.
A temporary dwelling, tabernacle, booth or tent.
Thus he, as "God" represented in flesh, dwelt among us.
3. As Pesach / Passover was a foreshadow of his future sacrifice, so Sukkoth is a prophetic foreshadow of his time of return.
4. The time period between Pesach and Sukkoth is exactly 1260 days,
or 42 months (x30 days) or 3.5 years (half of a week of 7 years).
5. Sukkoth is preceded by the Day of Trumpeting.
6. Zechariah 14:16 is the prophecy to which Amir Tsarfati is referring.
7. Sukkoth 2024 (October 16-23, 2024) DID YOU MISS IT & MISS OUT?
Hebrew means one who crosses over, as did Abraham across the Euphrates.
Baptism by water should not go unnoticed.
Israelite means those generations stemming from Jacob, renamed Israel.
Israel stems from the root word Yashar (upright) + el (God).
More literally, one who struggles with God, against men or humankind.
"Jew" is a misnomer, which stems from those only of the tribe of Judah.
"Christian" is a misnomer, stemming from Greek language. Greco-Roman.
Christs, or those christened as "gods", were anointed with grease.
"Messiah" is Hebrew and he was anointed with fragrant, precious oil.
There can be and are many "gods" and "christs", but only one is Messiah.
What is a "Messianic"? Basically a Christian Hebrew, grafted into the tree of Israel. More simply, a follower of Messiah.
By "oil", we are referring to essential oil or plant extract.

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