Article 5097 Video - Yes, We Will Share.... - Saturday, October 26, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

3 months ago

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Article 5097 Video - Yes, We Will Share.... - Saturday, October 26, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

This morning we received a communication from Kevin Annett which included a pdf that he asked us to share.

Painful as it is, we are sharing it.

We are sharing it, because people need to know.

The crimes of the churches and the Territorial "States" have to be known and must be addressed.

It began with the Trail of Tears and ratcheted forward to the Great Sioux Uprising, ending in the Reservation System and the notorious Residential School System.

It's like everything else.

If we let it happen to one group of people, we leave the door open for it to happen to everyone else, too.

Just like slavery.

After the so-called American Civil War, they declared that slavery was abolished (Thirteenth Amendment) and then in the next breath, created an exception (Fourteenth Amendment) --- saying that "criminals" could be enslaved.

Out of that one loophole and by engineering a corrupt court system, the enemies of mankind have managed to enslave virtually everyone on the planet.

This demonstrates a greater "law" and principle at work. What is done to one, is done to all. It doesn't matter who is enslaved. It doesn't matter which group is singled out. If we allow anyone to be abused --- anyone at all, great or small --- then we leave the door open to be abused ourselves.

For this reason, we must not turn away from the ugliness, even if that ugliness appears to be in the past. We have to face it and close the door on it, or it will happen again.

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