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Phillip Patrick: President Trump Is The Only Candidate That Could Stand Up To BRICS, Kamala Will Destroy The Dollar

3 months ago

Aired On: 10/26/2024


  • 0/2000
  • What happened to the EBS sound we were to be getting between Friday or Saturday

  • "They" want us dead. They are laughing all the way to the underground, bastards.

    1 like
  • Get Rid Of the Federal Reserve - They Manipulate the economy to keep 90% of workers broke and the the themselves who are thr 10% Owning 90% of Our Wealth ; Thats the Worst Amoral Unethical Conflict of Interest in Human History

    1 like
  • Get Rid of The Federal Reserve - theyve Caused every Depression and Poverty on the Workers - Theyre Transfering the Publics Wealth to Themselvrs & Cohorts the 10% of Parasites who own 90% Of Our Work - They Dont Work

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