Lara Logan is Fearless on the Roseanne Barr Podcast

4 months ago

Lara Logan is a profoundly brave, award-winning journalist who has covered some of the most significant moments in world history. Since being a victim of gang rape while covering regime change in Egypt for cbs’s 60 minutes, she has found herself a victim of cancel culture by the same media she helped elevate. Despite being deplatformed and labeled a conspiracy theorist for reporting the truth about satanic ritual abuse, child sacrifice, human trafficking, and January 6, Lara has never ceased to report the truth.
In this episode, she details how the evil elites and democrats are teaming up to fund cartels to destabilize America and prevent Trump from winning the election. It’s refreshing to hear from a real journalist again!

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Roseanne needs no introduction especially for those old enough who remember her sitcom “Roseanne” that aired from 1988 to 1997 and was briefly revived in 2018 about the Conners, a working-class family in Lanford (fictional small-town), Illinois.

The iconic comedic Roseanne has been a voice for Americans for nearly 40 years and now for pushing back our current tyrannical government and all wrong doings, including fake media worldwide who lie to us all!

Roseanne has been defamed by the woke Hollywood corrupt establishment, as they rejects individuals who have common sense and who dare to use their critical thinking skills, who believe in God, and cherish their families, and love America!

Rosanne empowers all good people and for those who are still asleep, she may offend, challenge, and trigger until they wake up. But no worries, it's a much more rewarding place to be!

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Rosanne Barr, Lara Logan, Real Journalist

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