Justice for Medicine - Bill C-293 Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act

3 months ago

https://justiceformedicine.com/ Barbara Burrows hosts speakers Michael Alexander - Constitutional lawyer, Lisa Miron - Litigation lawyer, and Dr. Mark Trozzi - Medical Rights Activist live in person on Wed. Oct. 16th 7-9:30 pm at the Burlingtons Lions Club 471 Pearl Street, Burlington ON #billc293

Come hear how this alarmingly vague Bill will affect national sovereignty, personal rights and freedoms, agriculture and food choices, surveillance, privacy, land ownership and medical freedom.

Justice for Medicine Mission Statement

Justice for Medicine is a crowdfunding site supporting litigation aimed at defending and advancing the fundamental rights of doctors and patients. We fight for:

the right of every patient to make treatment decisions based on the principle of informed consent
the right of every doctor to speak and write freely about all matters related to the practice of medicine
the right of every doctor to resolve disputes with professional regulators based on the concept of due process
the right of doctors and patients to enjoy the full and equal protection of the law.

These cherished rights have been denied to Canadians by governments and regulators during the so-called Covid-19 pandemic. Our mission is to restore them by making principled arguments before regulatory tribunals and the courts based on the common law, administrative law, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the first principles of liberal democratic government.

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