Nurse Dies And Encounters God; What She Is Told Will Shock You (NDE)

4 months ago

⭐ See More of Penny and Her Near Death Experience Here ▶️

In this powerful and deeply moving video, Penny Wittbrodt shares her near-death experience (NDE) that took place in 2015 after suffering a severe allergic reaction. Penny recounts her journey from the brink of death to an encounter with the divine, where she was shown the purpose of her life and the profound impact of her choices. Through vivid descriptions and emotional storytelling, Penny reveals the insights and messages she received from God, which have forever changed her perspective on life, love, and the meaning of existence. This video is a testament to the transformative power of faith and the mysteries of the afterlife.

#NDE #NearDeathExperience #Afterlife #SpiritualJourney #DivineEncounter #LifePurpose #GodsMessage #SpiritualAwakening #Faith #Healing #Transformation #Miracle #LifeAfterDeath #DivineLove #PurposeOfLife #Inspiration #TrueStory #FaithInGod #EternalLife #Spirituality



hello everyone welcome to Beyond the Veil today we hear from Penny witb who shares her Incredible Journey of
surviving a near-death experience that began with an allergic reaction in 2015 Penny's story is not just about her
battle to breathe but about the profound spiritual encounters and Revelations that
followed my name is Penny Whit brro and in 2015 I had a near-death experience
when I had an allergic reaction and I quit breathing I had gone to the hospital was sure what I was having a
reaction to and I had an EpiPen because I had an established allergy to shellfish so I had used that I got to
the hospital the nurse that was there I knew because I had worked at that hospital and I was a little worried
about the kind of care I would get not necessarily from the hospital but that particular nurse and so when I walked in
she said you know what do you need to be seen for and I'm wheezing and looking up and I can't breathe and and so I barely
can speak and I'm like I'm having an allergic reaction and and I set the empty epip pen on the counter so she
could see that I had taken that and she's like well if you took that why did you come here and I thought oh great you know I'm going to die she doesn't even
understand the basics of anaphylaxis and to be fair we don't see a ton of it in the ER but we do see it so she takes me
back and she says you know we don't have a bed so I'm going to put you in a wheelchair they had a clean room but not a bed I'm like I don't need a bed she's
like no no you have to wait till we get a bed so she puts me in a wheelchair and rolls me down this hallway that leads to
the bathroom and the doctor's sleeping quarters so nobody's down there and I'm just sitting in this Hall by myself
where no one can see me and it's just getting worse and worse and I was having to look up to be able to breathe and and
I thought I'm going to I'm GNA die and so luckily epipens come in two packs so I went ahead in the ER gave myself my
second dose and that held me for I don't know maybe another 15 minutes and then I started having Strider which is this
really squeaky breathing sound you have as your Airway closes and a doctor heard it and she stuck her head down the hall
and she's like oh my gosh so she runs down the hall gets the wheelchair me into the room that has a bed and they
get me up there and now because I'm in anaphylaxis my veins have all kind of flattened out they can't get an IV in me
it's a very very bad position to be in so they she's like We're going across the hall and I thought oh no they're
going to end up coding me because that's trauma you know and I work there so I know what the trauma room's for and I
had nurses on either side trying to put IVs in and they were all just really sketchy I'm like this thing's not going
to hold up and they're giving me shots of badril and shots of steroids and more epinephrine and more benine and by the
time my husband got there he walked in and I'm sitting straight up in the bed looking up and just you know tears
because I couldn't breathe and he gets the doctor he's like you've got to you've got to do something she's going
to quit breathing the doctor's like oh no no we've we've got plenty of time I remember hearing that and then
everything kind of started feeling very like I was in a tunnel or something not like a tunnel of light but if you've
ever passed out that kind of distant feeling where voices sound far away way and and I thought that this is it and so
I quit breathing and fell over and they called the code and I was out of my body at that point looking down and I didn't
recognize me and I thought oh man she's she's in rough shape she's the one that's coating you know I hope she does
okay and I saw everybody run in and kind of as they were running in my husband was being pushed out of the room and
that's it that's you know I didn't wake up and so they induced a coma and put me on the ventilator put me on a Life
Flight to Lexington put drilled an IV into my shin which I didn't know could
be done funny as a nurse you'd think I'd know that but yeah they've got like a little Dremel and they just screw that thing right into your shin bone and they
can give you drugs that way so that was good so they take me off to Lexington and I spend I want to say five days in
an induced coma before I can come off the ventilator but in that time the first thing that happened was I I kind
of came back too and I was in my sister's car and she lived in Wisconsin at the time and she was driving to get
to Kentucky and and it was pouring rain late at night and and I'm like what is she doing out this late the weather is
terrible you I wonder if something's happened to the kids and so she pulls over at this gas station underneath this
canopy and she puts her hand in her purse and pulls out her phone and so I lean forward and I see what she's
wearing I didn't want to scare her because I knew something wasn't right with me I couldn't feel me sitting against the seed I didn't feel dense
like I do now it just I knew something was weird and so I lean over and her clothes are wrinkled and mismatched and
I'm like what that did she like get dressed in the dark what is going on here you know so she pulls out her phone
and she types in hang on kiddo I'm coming which was kind of interesting cuz I saw that after I came out of the coma
and you know had a confirmation of it then you know I saw that and then I was back in this dark place so I'm in this
this place and it's it's dark like there's I a lot of people haven't really experienced complete darkness but it was
completely dark and I couldn't determine how big it was how small it was because it was so dark but I had an image of me
there somehow and I knew I wasn't standing on anything or lying on anything and that I couldn't figure out
like what was holding me and so I tried to move so like initially I'm externally kind of experiencing it but then I'm
back in and and I try to move and I can't move and it feels like something's holding me down and it feels like I
can't like I'm really having to struggle to breathe and I'm super claustrophobic so that totally freaked me out and I had
like this panic attack and then this I called it the Deep Sleep the deep sleep would just come and like take over and
then I would be asleep and I'd wake up and this goes on and on for I always tell people if I had to give it a time
what it felt like compared to time here cuz time is so different it was about 10 years and I keep going in and out and
I'm you know I would come in and I would think you know what what am I doing here what is this place have I died did I
ever exist and it went on for so long that I started to question if I'd ever really existed I thought maybe I've been
here so long maybe something terrible happened and you know I was cast away to this place and I've just made up that
whole life just to have something to think about and cling to and maybe I've just fooled myself and I never really
had any of that and you know why is no one looking for me and and I just I couldn't figure out what was going on and so at one point I I come to and
something tells me or I get this inclination to lean forward and so when I say Lean Forward I don't mean like at
the waist I mean lean forward like this and when I did it all of me went like that like a plank it wasn't you know if
I'd been standing on something I would have fallen I assume and and when I did that the direction that I was pointed in
I could move that direction and I'm like oh my gosh I can move this is incredible and and so I saw like a light way off on
the left and I thought okay I'll go that way so I turn my body and I'm now flying
crazy fast that direction and you can't see anything super dark and I'm thinking man I hope I'm in a open space or I'm G
to you know run right into something so I get to that light section and it's
it's kind of like a barrier and there's something on the other side and and so I go up and I put my I put my like my nose
up to it like you would to Glass and I was trying to look through but it was really distorted and so I just kind of
kept staring and kept staring and eventually it got clear and I could see me laying in a hospital bed on the other
side and my daughter was there and she was standing to my right but kind of behind me in front of the ventilator and
I remember looking at her shirt and for some reason I knew it was summer I had that in my head and I thought why is she
wearing a flannel shirt in the summer you know she's so funny that way and I looked at the from where I was which I
would say was felt like you know maybe 30 feet away I could see the the fabric
on that shirt and I knew what it would feel like and and I'm like oh that's weird and I knew what she was thinking
which was weird because I never know what she's thinking she's a very private person and I started kind of taking you
know surveying the room I could see that I was in soft restraint so that I couldn't move my hands I looked to see
what drugs I was on and I looked at my Vital Signs and I'm like okay I'm critical but stable I'm in a coma
because I know what those drugs are used for and so apparently I'm just I'm just in a coma or something and and I'll wake
up and I'll be all back together again and I thought well this is great you know hopefully I survive and I can
get back in or I die and things get straightened out over here so I'm not stuck in this dark place and so I was
looking I kind of refocused and was looking at my daughter and I could feel her feelings and hear her thoughts and
she was scared and she's like the most stoic person I've ever met and it just broke my heart that she was scared
because it's not anything she would ever even tell me you know and so I put my hands out to to grab her and pull her to
me and and Huger and my hands hit the wall and I just lost it and I'm like you know I don't know what's going on here I
was sure that you know it had something to do with God and and I was like what are you doing you know why would you
torment me like this you know what have I done that's that's earned me this and and I just was so frustrated and enraged
and I got sucked back into the darkness and so I wake up again and I'm like okay
you know you know how to move now let's let's go so I go back toward the left I get to the light and the barrier and and
the barrier instead of being hard this time is more like a bubble and so I put my hand to touch it and my hand went
through and I'm like oh that's so cool and so I put my other hand through and I'm like okay do I just like can I just
pop in over there and I did I just went right through and and I was over me and I was looking down at the bed and and I
thought okay I made it over like what what do I do now do I like lay down on top of me and will I get sucked back in
and then I'll wake up and everything will be okay or what I I wasn't sure what to there you don't get instructions or anything it's crazy and so I was
looking at me and I thought you know I've got to wake her up that's that's it when if I wake her up I'll automatically
just get sucked back in and so I was staring at the me in the bed and I was trying to get her to open her eyes and
I'm like come on you know open your eyes and I'm just trying to will it and it's not happening and so I'm getting mad and
I thought okay now calm down you don't want to get mad and get sucked back and so I thought I'm trying it's too big
let's just get her to move her finger you know that would be something and so I'm I'm looking at at my finger in the
bed and I'm like come on move your finger move your damn it she won't move her finger you know and it just I was
it's the most frustrating thing I've ever done and so I got sucked back but just onto the other side of the wall I
didn't get sucked all the way back and I started thinking I'm like okay this this can't be accidental I must be here for a
reason there's there's got to be something I'm supposed to figure out or learn you know how did I get in this
place and just kind of like from my spirit it comes out you made this place and I didn't even I wasn't even shocked
by it I heard it and I'm like that's true I did so when I was on this side
after my divorce I had just kind of closed myself off because I'd been so hurt by that and and more so hurt about
the abandonment of the kids you know that just broke my heart and I thought you know I'm never going to get into another relationship and people like I
enjoyed working and had friends at work I didn't socialize with anybody outside of work I was super I have social
anxiety anyway and so like I would get really stressed at answering the phone or and it was just getting worse and
worse and so I had just completely kind of built this wall around myself to protect me from ever being hurt again
and and that you know the things that you build up here are stored up in heaven and you have to deal with them
whether they're good or bad you know and so that's what this was this was this physical manifestation of this isolation
the jail that I had built and imprisoned myself in thinking I was somehow safe
and I I was you know well maybe I was safe but I wasn't living and so when I realized that there was this crack and I
always tell people I us I grew up on Lake Erie in Michigan and dad would always take us out in the spring and you
could hear that ice crack and it's a really haunting sound and so it starts kind of close to you at the shallow end
and then it goes out and it echoes and it's just really creepy but I always thought it was super cool where the crack happened light
started coming through and I was over the moon I was like oh my gosh there's I'm going to get out I'm going to get
out of this this is great and so this whole thing is cracking open almost like an egg and this big big bright Spirit
starts coming toward me and I'm like oh my gosh there's other people or things or whatever here I'm not alone you know
and so this this Spirit who's female comes to me and she's just huge she's huge she's Grand you know not just big
in size and she puts her arms out and I'm immediately drawn into her arms without her touching me and she's
holding me to her chest and these the darkness is breaking apart in shards and it's hitting she's got this like
Whirlwind of energy that's going around us and the shards would come and hit her energy they would be flung off and then
they would be gone they couldn't fly around anymore they disappeared and so she was like just with her energy
casting away the darkness and it just was getting brighter and brighter and and and I'm crying like ugly crying I
mean I was just I was just overwhelmed that there was somebody there and and I didn't initially know who she was and so
I'm I'm freaking out and she she says calm yourself dear one just in her mind
and I hear it in my mind and I always tell people if you've ever had surgery when they start giving you that drug to
put you to sleep you can't fight it but you feel it course through you and that's what it was like it was like her words broke down and coursed through my
body and caused exactly what she wanted to have happen to happen and so then I was calm and and I thought okay who who
is she she's so familiar and so I look up and she's got these brilliant green eyes and and I look up further and on
the top of her head it looks like flames and it's this orange red hair and I knew who she
was I'm like oh my gosh it's my grand and I always tell people she was this incredible person in life she was a
force people either loved her or hated her and she had worked at a steel Stamping Plant and under horrible
conditions and one of her friends got her arm caught in the machine and the company just fired her when she couldn't work anymore didn't pay her medical
bills or anything and my grandmother was incensed by that so she decided to start a union and this is back in like 73
maybe 74 and this particular steel Stamping Plant was mostly female
employees now the male plants had unions but this one didn't so she was kind of at work to do that and one night she
didn't come home and didn't come home and didn't come home and I was on the porch waiting and I kept going into mom and saying she's not here yet it's it's
getting dark and you know she's always here before dark and then my mom starts getting worried and finally this long
black car pulls up the door opens my grandmother goes rolling out onto the sidewalk and the car takes off and my
dad goes out and gets her and she lived in the apartment over our house and she said that the people who own the plant
had come and got her and taken her to the Detroit River and told her if she didn't quit that that's where she was going to end up so she kept going till
she got the union started because that's who my grandmother was and she just had this what my husband calls an
overdeveloped sense of justice and I have that too and so it was just it was amazing to see her on that side she died
when I was nine or 10 and so I looked at her and I'm like you're alive and she's like I'm alive and she's like there's no
death you know this you learn this and I'm like no I don't think so and she's like yes you learned this when you were
really little remember and I'm like I I no I don't think I've ever learned this and she says energy can't be created or
destroyed it just changes forms that's God's law Borrowed by man and I was like of course of course that makes perfect
sense you know the whole I had I'd always been a Believer and I had believed in God and was hoping there was
Heaven you know we're all hoping for that but I didn't feel like I had any real Assurance of it and there she was
giving me this assurance based on science you know that you do you do go on it can't we can't extinguish your
light it has to become something else and so anyway I was just she was just so comforting to me and and she was holding
me and just very very sweet and I kind of got lost in that and when I kind of
came back to myself I realized I was alone and I was just floating in the light and I you know just was enjoying
it it was really nice and and then all of a sudden everything Shook and I always tell people not like you know how
thunder will shake your house it was more like an earthquake from the beginning of time to the end of time
like things that didn't even exist yet were shaking and I it was crazy I could feel it all the way to my middle and it
kind of reminded me if you've ever gone to like an air show and those big jets go over and you can feel it in your organs and in your bones it was like
that and I knew it was God and so I immediately tried to start thinking of good things that I had done because I'm
like he can read my mind you know pull something good up to the front because I don't know you know I mean there's been
some bad and I don't want him to lead with that and I couldn't think of anything I've been a nurse I mean I could have thought of a million things
but I was stumped and all of of a sudden his there's this light and it's much brighter than the light that I'm in and
it gets closer and closer and he says I am and I had heard that a million times
you know the great I am all these different things and I never really understood it but you know he was making
this declaration that the creator of everything was here and it still gives me goosebumps and I just I really
understood it in that moment when he said that you know I am I'm the one who made you I'm the creator of everything
you know everything exists as I will it so and it was just crazy and and so I'm still trying to think of good things I
got nothing and so I get this sense that we're going to look at my life and and he starts with good which I appreciated
and he shows this situation where I'm at a store and the lady in front of me doesn't have enough to pay for her groceries just sense and she's trying to
figure out what to put back and I remember how that got me in my gut because I had been that single mom for years and you know you always put back
the thing that that you need not the thing that your kid would enjoy and so she's like well you know and youd see her putting back like moisturizers and
you know she's not going to put the the kids mac and cheese back and and I'm like oh so been there and so I fish in
my purse and I get the what she's short and I hand it to her and she doesn't want to take it and she's just super embarrassed and I'm like it's okay I've
been there take it you know don't put anything back and it just broke my heart for her and he showed me that situation
played out years ahead and she's working as a volunteer in this food pantry and this woman comes in and doesn't have
enough food and she's humiliated and embarrassed and she's like it's okay I've been there you know know and she's
packs up this lady's groceries and I thought wow I never I never thought it that far forward I thought it was a nice
thing to do that day but I didn't think it would impact her or anyone else I mean i' done some really much bigger
things and I was thinking I was kind of a little put out by that I'm like wow I did this huge nothing you want to talk
about that incredible thing I did you know not just this but it was that thing that explained to me that your purpose
is what your purpose is in the moment that you're in it's not some huge big brand thing everybody's trying to figure
out where are you right now who can you help and and that was the importance that I didn't ignore that and so then he
shows me the bad and it was this woman that I worked with who was terrible if you were a patient you didn't want that nurse if you were work in a hall you
didn't want to work it with her and she just was kind of it just didn't feel like she was very attentive to her patients I was always answering her call
lights and her IV alarms and I just I never said anything negative to her never talked about her because I hate
gossip but in my heart I was holding this you know over her and God flashed
back and showed me her whole life and showed me the things that her dad had done to her for years and I mean it was
amazing that she wasn't a psychopath and and here having been used and hurt her
whole life what did she decide to dedicate her career to helping other people and I'm like is she doing a great
job no but I mean considering where she came from she's doing great and God's like you have to control your thoughts
you're having all these negative thoughts about her and that has energy and you're putting it on her and you're making it harder for her to be who who I
intended her to be you're you're chaining her and I felt so bad I thought I was doing so well by not speaking
those things and not gossiping and not being hateful to people but if you're walking around harboring it you're
injuring them just the same and and he's like you know you have to you have to look for the good in her and capitalize
on that and then I felt so bad that I hadn't done that because I had such an opportunity to do it you know to point out any good that she did I could have
done that and it it changed me at that point kind of there's a million things that happen that I never get to talk
about because it would take weeks but on that side you can thought create and I've been meaning to bring this out more
in videos so if I thought flowers flowers appeared and each flower had its
own song and its and its own scent and the color actually exceeded the bloom
like it would be coming off of it radiating and they all had this song that they sang and each sang a different
part but it wasn't like a cacophony or anything it all went together really well and I was amazed by that and I was
able to like fly through this past year with God and we were going up over this water and he kind of scooped down and so
I followed him and we went under the water and came out and we were still dry and able to fly through the air and
there were Birds going by us it was just crazy but that's just I never get to mention it but at that point I'm trying
to decide you know whether I trust God and I want to let God in because I knew he knew me and knew everything about me
and I just didn't know whether I wanted to let that kind of power have any sway over me and so I was standing there and
and I had to make this choice you know was I going to kind of surrender myself to God and I thought okay I I will and
his energy kind of this light came through my toes up my legs into my middle and it was like a cloak it was
swirling around inside me like healing hurts and all these things that I didn't even remember were problems and it went
up and it went around my heart and up through my throat and my mouth and and I was able to sing just these beautiful
songs and I'm like where is that coming from I'm a terrible singer and then it kind of came up and it was going to come
out of my eyes and it just it was so warm and so accepting and loving that I
didn't want to let it out so I squeezed my eyes shut and it shot through my eyelashes and my eyelids and hit the
light that was God on the outside of me and then came rushing back in went up through all the different Curves in my
brain and was lighting up my brain and everything I had never understood I understood and everything I didn't know
that I didn't know I knew and you know he blocked that I didn't get to have that coming back but it was amazing in
that moment like everything finally made sense so we kind of go through that moment and we're going to go through this journey and I'm not I wasn't
understanding like if we were going to go over and I was going to stay permanently or what was going to happen but I knew I had to make a decision on
this part too and I don't know I got all kind of irritated inside and I was like whoa whoa whoa wait a minute you know
you're you're overwhelming me with all this love and goodness and stuff but where were you when my boys were struggling and my daughter where were
you when their dad left you know where were you when they walked to the mailbox every day to get something he promised
to them that never came where were you you know it was one thing for me to struggle through that divorce but the
they were kids you know these are innocent children where were you and it was pointed and I was angry and he
didn't even like Flinch at that you know he he understood and he's like dear one you've completely misunderstood me let
me show you and so he flashes forward and I can see I'm I'm sitting in the
seat in the bleachers next to my son and my oldest grandchild is playing soccer
so at the time when I had when I quit breathing and had all this medical issue he was two but in this Vision he's five
and so he's running up and down the field and I remember looking at him and seeing the sun on his skin and on his hair and just being like wow he's just
so alive you know and he's running and my son looks over to me and he says mom
I'm going to be the dad to him that I deserved and I'm like you're breaking that chain you're breaking that cycle of
broken homes and and absent father and you're doing that through you know my kids and it still gets me every time and
I thought okay you know if we had to be the generation to take that hurt to be able to turn it around okay then it's
okay and it made sense to me and and you know I've since shared that with my son but so when when my grandson was five I
was actually at a soccer game and my son actually looked at me and said that and I was like okay you know because you get
really far out if you have a Fantastical experience the further out you get from it the more you kind of question it but
that confirmed that was God's confirmation for me in that moment and he's like keep going forward you know
you're you're on the right track and it just was so important and when I saw that I just I just completely was okay
to let myself be 100% vulnerable to God and so I just opened up and and he grabbed my hand and we started going
through the spirals of my DNA and I was you know looking at everything and as we would go through a strand I could feel
it like stroke over my skin and I was like oh my gosh that's just amazing and we're going and it's super fast we're
going really really fast and we get down to this one spot he just stops like you know hitting a wall and he says do you
see me and and I'm like well yeah you're everywhere of course I see you and he's like no and he points to this spot in my
DNA and he's like right there do you see me and I looked and I did and it was in that that part of our DNA that they call
junk DNA that we don't know what that DNA does and and I it was funny because it hadn't actually been that long ago
that I had read about junk DNA and he was right there and I was like oh my gosh you're in me and he's like yes I'm
your father just like your father is your father you can say he's not but we could do testing and figure out that he
is so you know he's he's your your biological father whether you want to admit it or not and I'm your father
whether people want to admit it or not and so I knew at that point that if
we went past that then I was staying and I'm like all right I'm in let's stay you know and because you know that that
inclination is always to do the thing that feels the best and feel feels the most right and I felt like so loved and
accepted like I didn't have to do another thing I didn't have to you know perform one more feat or I think a lot
of us have this idea that you've got to constantly be doing for God to be loved you know you have to be doing something
that measures up and it wasn't like that he loved me because he made me you know and he adored me and and he thought me
up and I I remember thinking you know how long did he think of me cuz I thought of my children before I had them
and when I first got pregnant what would they be like and what would their lives be like and and I thought it can't be
much different for God you know he's knitting you together and he's got to be you know kind of seeing you live out
your life and and I thought how long did he think of me before he decided to make me and he made me on purpose he could
have made somebody else but I'm on purpose for a purpose and I never really gotten that and I looked back at my life
and I thought you've wasted it you know yes you're a nurse and you you're raising good kids and all this stuff but
you've not fulfilled your purpose and if you check out now I mean it's like cheating you just quit you're just a
quitter and I didn't want to be a quitter you know and I felt like I had not embraced everything that I am by
being a creation of God by building that wall around me and and I I thought okay well could I go back and I didn't know
and I thought could I go back and tear down the wall and I thought I I could do that that would be a start and so I I
made that decision to go back and he immediately started pulling pulling away I could feel that distance and I started
to cry and and I'm like wait wait wait you know let me remember this I need to remember it or I won't have any hope and
so I wake up I'm in the hospital room there's a nurse sitting beside the bed and she's like oh you're back and I look
at her and I Saidi was with God and she's like oh that's nice dear I'm like no no I mean like just a minute ago I
was with God and she's like oh that's good let me go get your family so she goes and gets the family and I'm like I
was with God I mean just a minute ago I was with God and they're like that's good and they're looking at the nurse and she's like well maybe everybody
should leave you know she's just just been off the vent for a little while we don't want to wear her out and so she sends everybody away and she leaves the
room and turns the lights off and pulls this curtain in front of this glass like wall that's in that room so they can see
you and and God reappears like in the room and it scared me and I screamed because I didn't expect him just to pop
in and he laughed and I'm like oh you scared me and so he laughs he's like why did I scare you and I'm like well you I
thought you were gone he says I'm never gone I'm like well I know you're never gone but you don't just pop into rooms
like that that's startling you know and he thought it was funny and so he had given me this message and he's like I
want you to to share this message with the world and you know that he is God and he is the Creator and that we are
made on purpose for a purpose and he came back and he he gave me that and I continued to be sick I over two and a
half years I had 18 episodes of respiratory failure we could not figure out what was going on we couldn't stop
it we had just enough time to get to the hospital and get intubated they knew me well enough at one point that when they
saw me came come in they automatically started pulling the crash C and it was horrible so 17 more times 16 I guess I
have this and then on the 18th time I pop out of my body again and I tell God I'm like I I'm done I don't want to do
this anymore you know either either save me or kill me but I just can't keep doing this it's so hard on me it's so
hard on my family I never know when it's going to hit it's terrifying and he's like it's not me Penny it's you what do
you mean it's me your God fix it you know and he's like you said you were going to go back you said you were going
to live you were going to tear down the wall and you've not done any of those things I keep putting people in your path to love and experiences in front of
you and and you're not you're not acting on them you said you were going to go back and live so either go back and live
or die and I'm like he says you need to start saying yes and I just thought that was ridiculous I'm like yes really so if
I start saying yes I'm gonna stop having these rep these episodes where I just stop breathing and have to be in a coma
on a ventilator he's like yeah I'm like okay well that's ridiculous but you're God fine I'll try it you know so I go
back and one of my friends who always called and checked on me called me and he was always asking me to do this speaking engagement for the
International Association of near-death studies has a support group up in ciny and I always said no or thought of a reason not to do it because I have
terrible social anxiety and he called and I said yes before I could stop myself and he was shocked he was like
what I'm like just hang up now I'm gonna make something up just go and I've said yes ever since I've not had another
episode of respiratory failure things slowly started to settle down you know we got some answers as to what was going
on with me but it's it's been quite a a journey I mean it it's just been crazy
to tear down that wall cuz it's super scary to let people in thanks for watching today's video if you want to
learn how to create a profitable YouTube channel like this one click the link in the description and let us show you how
see you on the next one [Music]

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