Past is Prologue: The Manchurian Candidate Analysis | Heinz 57 to MKULTRA Killers

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Tonight we will be screening The Manchurian Candidate as part of a series. Since election year always seems to cause rifts among neighbors & family…I just wanted to take some time to show everyone how completely bogus our political system has been for decades. No better example than The Manchurian Candidate, a film from 1962 by iconic director John Frankeheimer (The Holcroft Covenant, 52 Pickup, Reindeer Games, Ronin) starring Frank Sinatra, Angela Lansbury & Henry Silva to name but a few…This was a very controversial film for it’s time but if you pay close attention to the subtext you’ll realize how long our system has been broken in the United States. For many the takeaway was ‘the dangers of communism’ and certainly that theme is explored but really when you get down to it…this film is about how lost both the general public…everyday civilian is completely lost in a sea of willful disinformation from disingenuous ‘actors’ who all seem to be in the same club…sharing the same secrets behind closed doors & creating a show for us to ‘consume’…not be engaged in.

For this reason…I no longer support politicians in elections. Sure, I have an opinion on how I’d like to see ‘the show’ unfold if it’s all scripted…who doesn’t prefer one shitty screenplay to another…but the point is…it ‘is’ scripted, the reality we are given as the US Population. We believe far too firmly in freedom of expression as a given…or as something we have to only fight tech companies and IP Shadow Banning…but it’s much deeper than that. We have a top-down scripted reality being presented to us for a ‘very long time’…the shenanigans you see me reporting on about the National Security Directorate, False Flag operations & crisis actors has been ‘the system’ for a ‘very long time’…all I uncovered was a primary group of bloodline families in charge of the operations teams of that disinformation but make no mistake…this IS OUR SYSTEM…and we must completely unroot it from it’s power base or it will most certainly eat us, the American Population, alive…figuratively and sometimes quite literally.

Let’s watch Manchurian Candidate together tonight and I’ll add some of my own clips on this topic before & after & we’ll do some whiteboard sessions during the movie…yes folks, I have a whiteboard again…and I’ll be broadcasting from the new studio tonight. Welcome!

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