Joe Biden and the Democrats - plagiarism, mirroring, inversion, and fascism

4 months ago

One, President Trump is the President who hammered Big Pharm… for the normies, this is typical “Joe” who is known for theft and plagiarism.

Two, nothing the Liberal Congress has EVER aligned with, was against Big Pharm… but especially the SWAMP who were all making cuts to use with their trafficking operations and residual kickbacks from it.

Three, don’t you hear the sweet music?

If this was all just another 4 years… and President Trump was not a part of a Biblical, Historical, Monumental Special Operation to DESTROY the establishment and drain the swamp, completely… annihilating them as he has said…

Which is what the world has been witnessing hence THE DASH…

And if the next four years were just another four years and regular Presidency…

President Trump could REVOKE every Law known to man and #48 could REVOKE everything he did…

Which also proves “Biden” isn’t real much less President because “he” and “Kamala” and “Obama” and all the swamp says:

Trump is a threat to democracy, and shouldn’t be anywhere remotely close to Laws and Orders, the White House, and D.C. ever again…

Yet “Biden” has continued 8 Executive Orders with National Emergencies put into Law by President Trump, 3 and 4 years in a row, which means ENFORCING, because National Emergencies have a 2 year automatic termination clause if not continued…

3 of those make ZERO SENSE why “Biden” would continue:

13818 - Human Rights
13848 - Election Interference
13959 - Blocking Assets of those Funding Chinese Communist Military

If this was NOT a Special Operation… another regular 4 years would NOT have implications so enormous for 40 to 50 years.

Swamp’s been drained. You’re just waiting for the visual validation of their removal.

It’s coming. “Nothing can stop what’s coming.”

👉🏻 ——

👉🏻 45—47

It matters. It’s epic. 🫡🐂🇺🇸

RattleTrap 1776

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