End Time Prophecy 5 - Sound a Trumpet Over Seattle - The Gate Will Lie Desolate

4 months ago

Supernatural warfare is underway. We can now see it in the natural increasingly. The trumpet sounds for battle but nobody comes to fight. God searches for a man to build up a wall and stand in the gap but finds nobody. Fling your gold and silver into the street for they are worthless. A foolish nation has invaded the land for the wrath of God is poured out. See the foreigner overtakes and plunders the house. The earth groans as under a curse and the land is pillaged. There is no prepper strategy that will save us except Jesus Christ alone. Let the watchman sound the trumpet and call all to repentance and faith in Jesus. Let the man of God lament in sackcloth between the altar and porch. Perhaps God will leave behind a grain offering. Perhaps God will hear from His throne and relent and heal the land, heal our hearts. The clouds are black and ready to pour our the latter rains upon those who believe. Break up your ground and rend your hearts and bleed out upon it. The ancient gate stands open and is even now being overrun. The ancient gate is about to stand desolate. Fast and pray.

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