Trump's Great Multipolar Reset: How The Orange Globalist Messiah Fooled the World | Find document below in the description box

4 months ago

It should be as obvious as Michelle Obama’s gender in a hot tub, that something is seriously wrong with the idea that Donald Trump is fighting the globalists, especially since he funded, endorsed and even called himself the Father of the Vaccine. There should have been a cry of outrage from his followers—but instead of a deep sense of betrayal, his followers defended his actions, claiming that if it were not for Trump playing “5D chess” with the Deep State Globalists, millions more would have died.
The Trump followers are misguided to believe Trump is anti-vaxx and anti-globalist after the Trump Administration’s Operation Warp Speed funded eight Big Pharma corporations $11 billion and bought $2 billion worth of Pfizer’s toxic waste injections.
According to the American CDC data (VAERS) released Friday, May 3, 2024, there are now 1,637,411 adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines, reported between December 14, 2020, and April 26, 2024. This includes 314,353 reports of serious injuries and 37,544 deaths. [This is only for America—if we extrapolate this data to include the 5.7 billion who took the vaccine, the numbers are staggering.]
If you are still with me at this point, and you are not firing off an email accusing me of Trump Derangement System, then it is safe to say, you did not drink the Orange Kool Aid, you do not worship the Orange Messiah, and most importantly, there is still hope for the world.
Read entire document HERE:
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