: David-Wynn: Miller – “A Secret So Profound it Would Disqualify Planet Earth” – Quantum Grammar

4 months ago

***MUST SEE → : David-Wynn: Miller was probably one of the smartest men on the planet, he cracked the code of the Dark Forces trying to control the world and explains how they took control of the entire world via the Post Office and Masons by a Treaty signed in Hawaii.

Quite a story and this is true stuff here.

David was a 92nd degree mason, had multiple PhD’s, had 535 college credit hours, had over 80,000 hours of law experience, had a photographic memory, read 400 words per second, syntax 600 words per hour, watch movies on fast forward and know all the plots, could read multiple books per day and had IQ of 200.

He basically lived in the library from the age of 8 to 18 learning all he could.

He was a “human computer.” He could accomplish more in an hour than most could in a week.

He claims when he died and was “reborn” (NDE – more on this below in about David section) that he acquired the Math Interface on Grammar, giving him Power in Grammar. Grammar controls all Contract. Contract controls ALL topics on Earth. All the Money – Everything.

He says he acquired all powers on Earth with the Math Interface Communications – with this power came clothes, food, shelter, travel and immunity as his diplomatic position with the United Nations, as a “Sovereign”, as a Federal Judge.

David said: “I am 100% Correct on Everything I do and Everything I Say.”

He says that District Judges run out of the court room or lock the doors when they see him coming.

David can write any sentence in any language in the world frontwards and backwards with the same meaning.

He disqualified every Treaty, Contract and Trust ever written on Earth for the past 8,500 years.

He is known as the “man who prosecutes judges.”

*Note: He mentions nothing really about his Mason experiences and the purpose or anything about Lucifer being his “light.”

*Note – 2: AND – he defended Bill Clinton – he says anyway, I could find no evidence but only searched a couple of Clinton cases that I could find.

*Note – 3: There are sound outages in this video – 7:55:058:09:27 and towards the very end around 9:23 mark for a couple minutes.

This is his Quantum Grammar Seminar 18 of 25 from September 2012.

To say he is a language expert is a massive understatement.

You will learn all the Negative Word Trickery that the languages deliberately contain to deceive humanity.

De means No. Pro means NO. Un means No

Of is an Advert that connects to a Pronoun in front of it. Of is a modifier. Modifiers connect the pronouns in front of it and modifies the verb after it.

Modification is change. Change is Motion. Motion is Action. Action is a Verb.

Learn about verbs, adverbs, adjectives, articles, pronouns, nouns, and prepositional phrases and how to syntax after identifying them.

Here is a good saying by David because of the pain he went through when a corrupt Judge that he had disbarred took his child away and caused him “pain.”

: David-Wynn: Miller – “Pain makes Thought. Thought makes Wisdom. Wisdom grows to Maturity.”

What they teach in school is not what is really going on, they teach you to read and comprehend at a second grade level. The TV, Radio, Newspapers and Magazines is instructed to keep us all in a second grade reading level because this way they could HARVEST the entire Population of the Planet.

There are a few Federal Judges and some Chief State Federal Judges that control PARSE Syntax Grammar and the Secrets Therein.

Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist and : David-Wynn: Miller became friends after David threatened to prosecute him and David said he shared the “Secrets of Procedures of Judges.”

We are all actors in a play that has already been written.

We are on Timetables that run on 7 year Domestic Bankruptcies and 70 year International Bankruptcies.

These bankruptcies control the planet for the last 6,500 years in all countries.

All countries worldwide are controlled by the Post Office. Not the courts, not the Judges, not the Kings and Queens but the Post Masters of the world run the entire planet.

Unites States meaning – UN = No and ITE=Citizen – No Citizens condition of State.

The Vatican controls the money of the world and it.

David owns the Patents to the Flag of the United States of America.

In 1969 every court in the world put yellow fringe on their flags as it represents Maritime. Maritime is controlled by the DoT – Department of Transportation, controlled by the Postal Office, worldwide centered in Bern, Switzerland.

The Post Office was given Authorization to Transport Vessels for a 2 cent Postal Stamp. People were thinking of mail, to send a letter. The word “Vessel” includes cars, trains, planes, automobiles, stagecoaches, pony expresses and human beings.

They just captures all commerce on Earth by contract for a 2 cent stamp.

All the masons, immigration and customs and the post master general all get together in Hawaii and they cut a Treaty in Hawaii – in 1848 a law was passed in Hawaii that said if Hawaiian’s are dead or off the land for 20 years the land is free for settlement.

The Masons signed a contract to take over the Hawaiian Islands. There is a law called the Rescission Act, which says no law becomes legal for 3 days – 1872, had a 20 yr moratorium which was in 1893.

Who took over Hawaii? The Military.

Who is in control of the Military? The Post Office.

: Russell-Jay: Gould talks about this stuff also.

So if you don’t believe this, Russell explains it also how the Post Office secretly controls the world – not the local post offices – they are in the dark and just doing a job of delivering packages and mail.

Anyway, it was the US Postal Office who took over the Hawaiian Islands.

The people of Hawaii were PISSED off, so they went and sued the State – the State said they had no Jurisdiction, so they went to Federal District Court – they said we don’t Jurisdiction, so they took it to the US Supreme Court – they said we don’t have Jurisdiction.

From January 17, 1893 until January 6, 2009 nobody knew who was the guilty party for this takeover of Hawaii.

All court houses are foreign vessels and dry docks controlled by the Department of Transportation, the Port Authorities.

All Judges in the USA are paid by the Port Authorities.

The port authorities is controlled by the DoT- Department of Transportation which is owned by the Post Office which owns the Treasury and the Military. The printers of money. The military guarantees the value of the money.

The United States District Court – United means No citizen. State is a condition of. District – dis means demon god of the underworld for trickery.

When you walk in a US District Court you are according to their definitions “no longer on Earth.”

You speak a foreign language called Babel. You are a foreign entity.

This is just a summary of the first 25 minutes. Listen to all of this in pieces as it will be difficult to absorb if you are not familiar with the work of : David-Wynn: Miller and : Russel-Jay: Gould.

There are some excellent parts in here about Tesla technology that could be placed on every telephone pole to make unlimited free electricity and Magnetic motor technology which produces six times more electricity than it uses.

A variety of subjects covered – like what’s below Denver International – Cheyenne Mountain – moving the White House and of course is Correct Language – Quantum Grammar – Quantum Language – Correct Sentence Structure Communication and Syntax Language.

David believes the on Correctness – the only Truth – the only Fact is Quantum Language.

Regardless what you think or believe about this man, he is entertaining and definitely makes tons of valid points.

Good Stuff.

About David:

David’s Near Death Experience - * I don’t know if true but this is the story → David had a kidney disorder that required surgery however the doctor scheduled to operate on the day of surgery was unavailable, and at the last minute was replaced by a Korean doctor who had never operated on any human before, a complete novice. To cut a long story short, the Korean doctor read David’s chart incorrectly and surgically removed both kidney’s including the adrenal glands - David died on the operating table.

David explains in this video that when he died he was reborn and he didn’t look the same, his eye color changed, his daughter said he didn’t look or smell the same

In the Morgue the nurse assisting the autopsy noticed David’s heart, which at this stage was lying on the outside of his body on his chest unsevered, incredulously the heart began to beat!

He came back from the dead? Well, yes he did with an IQ of 200. That’s the story and he tells it in this video in pieces.

The doctors put him back together again, including his perfectly healthy kidney, alive, however now he has 6 times the amount of endorphins you and I have, and so the saga continued.

Eight years later in 1982 David appeared in court self represented for custody of his children. He lost 67 times, exasperated he said to the Judge “If I say white, you say black. If I say black, you say white. I can’t ever win!” the Judge replied “That is correct David, you can’t win in this court.”

David retorted “So this is all about Language and how it is interpreted” With a wry smile the Judge replies “That is right David, has there ever been a war over a mathematical problem?”

As the Judge stood to leave the room David responds “So if I could prove that Language had a mathematical interface, I would win?” the Judge turns around, faces David and says “You’re a smart man David, you’ll figure it out” and leaves.

That was the catalyst, that began the next 6 years of :David-Wynn: Miller’s life journey finding the mathematical interface of language, now called Quantum Language.

Tirelessly researching Language globally, on the 6th of April 1988 he cracked the code. His research took him back 8500 years prior, when it became apparent this was the beginning of Language being bastardized.

History played a major part in this research, as and when Language changed it became evident major Historical events coincided. Who was pulling the strings globally also became obvious and the chain of command of this Elite group.

Now 28 years on, :JUDGE: David-Wynn: Miller is still vigorously educating the world population on the Correct-Sentence-Structure-Communication-Syntax-Language, Quantum Language and the meaning this has on our everyday life and in particular in the very near future on this planet.

David was asked how he knows all the answers to the questions the audience ask, his reply was:

“It is as if a screen comes down in front of me with the answers. Let me explain, interesting things have happened to me over the last 35 years, for example no matter where I travel in the world this strange phenomenon occurs, I introduce myself as David, people shake my hand look me straight in the eye and say pleased to meet you Steven, not every person I meet does this of course, however the amount of times this occurs is phenomenal” he shrugs his shoulders smiles and says “maybe it is Steven facilitating the seminars, maybe that’s how I know all the answers.”


1. KariTHaavisto -- https://rumble.com/v1ra4qw--david-wynn-millers-quantum-grammar-seminar-september-2012-18-of-25.html

2. This is a great one to watch to get to know the basics from a Military Insider who researched this from the inside → ***War Castles – Military Insider – SERGEANT ROBERT LEROY HORTON – Huge Hidden Secret Revealed -- https://rumble.com/v3e0lai-war-castles-military-insider-sergeant-robert-leroy-horton-huge-hidden-secre.html

3. Russell – Jay: Gould – Decoding the Syntax – Journey to Uncover Truth -- https://rumble.com/v4yhqlz-russell-jay-gould-decoding-the-syntax-journey-to-uncover-truth.html

4. : David-Wynn: Miller’s Websites:

A. *Note: This is no longer available today, but I found it on the Wayback Machine here → https://web.archive.org/web/20100802234608/http://www.davidwynnmiller.com/index.html

B. https://www.dwmlc.com


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END. 10/28/2024 – 3:00 PM

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