Why is Cervical Cancer a Public Health Concern?| Vratesh Srivastava | India's Forgotten Babies

2 months ago

Cervical cancer incidence and/or mortality had been declining for decades well before the introduction/trials of the HPV vaccine in Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, France, Finland, US, UK, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, China, Ghana, India, Mexico, Russia, South Africa.


Vratesh is the Content Manager for the Telegram channel “India’s Forgotten Babies” and Twitter handle @AnhoneeRahasya. As a Research Analyst, he has authored/co-authored papers on immunization for UHO (Universal Health Organization) and AIM (Awaken India Movement)
Vratesh Srivastava's research on polio vaccines in India has featured in the 10th anniversary edition of the book “ Dissolving Illusions”.

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