Project A-Ko Slideshow AMV - DJ In My Life (Annie Livingstone)

3 months ago

Project A-Ko Slideshow AMV - DJ In My Life (Annie Livingstone)

So recently,I've came across some unique Rare Japanese Artwork of the 80's Anime Movie/Film "Project A-Ko" which inspired me to put together this New Slideshow AMV Tribute,the song is Called "DJ In My Life" by Annie Livingstone.

Which Ironically enough,Annie Livingstone was also responsible for doing one of the"Project A-Ko" Vocal Songs "Dance Away".lol3

and speaking of Project A-Ko,I recently came across this video on Youtube:

and from the info I can gather from Here:

It seems that Project A-Ko also had a Series of Mini Tie-In U.S. Motion Comics/Manga which were extra features that came with the recent new Bluray Editions of the first Project A-ko Movie!

Anyways,in other News,Argonaut Games released another sneak preview trailer for the upcoming new Remastered Version of "Croc Legend of the Gobbos" WHich looks amazing so Far!

also,some info so far regarding the upcoming Sequel to Gal Guardians "Gal Guardians 2: Servants of the Dark" and the game's 2 new demon protagonists "Kirika and Masha"

so far,we know little of the game's full storyline yet,but all we know is that this game will be out next year in 2025.

also,look what i recently discovered on CDRommance this Week:

They have a Cool Rom Hack of "Legacy of the Wizard",where your MP no longer drains from using basic Magic attacks,and on top of that,they have a Fan translation of the japanese version known in japan as "Dragon Slayer IV - Drasle Family"

and speaking of Rom hacks,check out this rom hack of "City Connection" i came across:P

Oh,and the "Elvira's Monster Party" rom hack can also be found on CDrommance as Well:


Song: DJ In My Life

Year: 1985

Vocal Artist: Annie Livingstone

Composers: Joey Carbone and Richie Zito

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