世界經濟論壇 內部人士透露,選舉之夜將有 3000 萬張假選票被注入 WEF Insider Reveals 30 Million Fake Ballots Ready To Be Injected on Election Night

3 months ago


#世界經濟論壇 內部人士透露,選舉之夜將有 3000 萬張 #假選票 被注入

#WEF Insider Reveals 30 Million #FakeBallot s Ready To Be Injected on Election Night


#全球精英 對形勢進行了細緻的分析,並得出結論, #民主黨 #候選人 #卡馬拉哈里斯 將在今年 11 月以驚人的 3000 萬票輸掉普選票。

這是根據世界經濟論壇承包商的說法,他警告說,一項秘密行動正在進行中,以解決 #精英 所說的實現「最佳結果」所需的民主黨 #選票 「短缺」問題。

這項多管齊下的 #選民欺詐 行動旨在破壞我們 #選舉 過程的完整性,包括向系統注入數千萬張假選票,因為根據 WEF 的一份內部文件,美國人民需要「幫助」來選出正確的候選人「為了他們自己的利益」。

The #GlobalElite have meticulously analyzed the situation and concluded that #Democrat #nominee #KamalaHarris is set to lose the popular vote by an astonishing 30 million votes this November.

This is according to a #WorldEconomicForum contractor who warns a covert operation is underway to deal with what the elite are calling the “shortfall” in Democrat votes required to achieve the “optimal outcome.”

This multi-prong #VoterFraud operation aims to undermine the very integrity of our electoral process and includes injecting tens of millions of fake ballots into the system, because according to an internal WEF document, the American people require “assistance” in electing the correct candidate “for their own benefit.”

來源: #TPV #ThePeoplesVoice 英語原版

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