3 months ago

Washington: As previously mentioned, one of the bloody episodes in the chain of the terrorist acts that caused mass shooting at the Columbine High School was the Waco siege. In the spring of 1993, tragic events took place as a result of which many people died a horrible death. The Waco siege still remains a relevant, widely discussed and burning topic for many Americans. It is one of the most notorious events in US history that has changed American society forever. To this day, it continues to have a significant influence on political and social life in the country.

Despite numerous attempts by various researchers to get to the bottom of it, there are still many dark spots in this story because all discussions, even those representing points of view of the opposing parties, are still being held according to a pattern set by representatives of anti-cult organizations 30 years ago. Today, for the first time ever, the real picture of events in Waco will be presented, and you'll be able to clearly see for yourselves how the threads from that terrorist attack lead straight to its instigators and final beneficiaries, to the very abode of anti-cultism - to Russia.

Narrator: The Waco tragedy is a classic example of a premeditated public display of a religious organization persecution by anticultists, involving law-enforcement agencies and other authorities, which turned into a powerful informational act of terrorism. In this case, the target of anticultists was the Branch Davidian religious group that represented an offshoot of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

By the time of the discussed events, the Branch Davidian community that resided at Mount Carmel ranch, near the city of Waco, Texas, had been peacefully existing for about 50 years. For a long time, the locals perceived them as a harmless group of positive people. However, in the late 1980s early 1990s, through the efforts of representatives of anti-cult organizations, the derogatory word "cult" suddenly began to be used as regards the Branch Davidians, which is a classic first step by cult-fighters in dehumanizing their chosen victim for subsequent persecution. #waco #massshootings #1993

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