The Crimes of Matt Hancock Part 1

2 days ago

Matt Hancock was the Health Secretary in the UK during the covid era. He has been implicated in a number of crimes including arranging midazolam and morphine supplies for treatment protocols in nursing homes where residents lost their right to have their advocates with them, doctors stopped attending in-person and instead diagnosed by telephone calls with often-unqualified staff in high stress, high fear and understaffed environments where residents experienced starvation and dehydration, were diagnosed as having covid, and then given lethal treatments. Much of what happened was under the watch of Matt Hancock who appeared to experience great joy in the attention he received on legacy media.

Hancock was caught having an affair with a colleague at a work party whilst the nation were locked down. He was also caught joking about the use of "variants" in media narrative to keep people frightened and compliant, and the power trip of placing healthy people in quarantine.

Matt Hancock needs to be arrested and placed on trial for crimes against humanity. Personally I hope this happens sooner rather than later.


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